Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

Wanning Peng, Dragan Petrovic, Clayton Crawford 
380 New York St., Redlands, CA 92373, USA 
wpeng(@esri.com, dpetrovic@esri.com, ccrawford@esri.com 
KEY WORDS: Database, Large, DEM/DTM, Multiresolution, Generalization, LIDAR, GIS 
This paper presents a research and development project that will provide an extension to 2D geo-databases for handling large terrain 
data. It first discusses application requirements and system design, and then elaborates system architecture for optimal data 
organization and updating, efficient multi-resolution queries, and dynamic DTM generation. It then addresses technical issues related 
to data storage, seamless tiling, vertical indexing, and DTM generalization. Finally, it discusses the limitations and shortcomings of 
the current approach, and identifies future research and developmea tasks. 
Many GIS projects, especially statewide and nationwide ones, 
often need to store and manage large terrain data. Even small- 
scale projects may have to deal with a large amount of terrain 
data, due to newly available data acquisition techniques such as 
LiDAR. Such data can be several tera-bytes in size, or may 
contain billions of measurement points. 
While most of today's enterprise geo-databases (such as SDE) 
are capable of handling large 2D data, terrain data have brought 
new requirements and challenges. These include 1) how to 
integrate terrain data with 2D data, 2) what data structure to use, 
and 3) how to support high performance multi-resolution spatial 
queries and update. 
Given the fact that TIN and GRID are the most popular data 
formats in digital terrain modeling, it is necessary to examine if 
they are the best choices for storing terrain data. Because 
different applications may require data of different spatial 
resolutions depending on underlying conceptual models (Peng, 
2000, 1997), multi-resolution queries are becoming a more and 
more important subject in GIS. Some applications may even 
require a so-called “horizontal” multi-resolution query that 
specifies different levels of vertical resolutions for different 
parts of a study area (Kinder et al., 2000). Typical examples 
include landscape planning and 3D flight simulation, where the 
center of interest often requires higher resolution data, while the 
rest ofthe area only requires data of coarser resolutions. 
To address all these issues, and others, a new research and 
development project has been implemented at ESRI to provide 
an extension to current 2D geo-databases for handling large 
terrain data. The rest of the paper elaborates the design concept 
and system architecture, and addresses related technical issues. 
Finally, it provides an outline for further research and . 
The design can be boiled down to three aspects: 1) what to 
store; 2) where to store it; and 3) how to store it. 
2.1 What to Store 
Typically, source terrain data include 1) measurement points 
(e.g., spot height points such as LiDAR data), 2) contours, and 
3) structure lines (or break lines) that capture the discontinuity 
of terrain and other important geomorphologic and geograpnic 
features. Because a collection of individual points, contours, 
and break lines, does not constitute a good (continuous) terrain 
representation in a digital environment (Peng et al., 1996). they 
are not usually directly used for surface visualization and 
analysis in GIS. Instead, a typical GIS would build a digital 
terrain model (DTM) using these data, and carry out analysis 
based on the DTM. Because of this, people often store and 
manipulate their terrain information directly as a DTM, 
disregarding the source data. 
A DTM may take the form of a GRID or TIN (triangulated 
irregular network). Spatial resolution of a GRID DTM is 
inherently constrained to cell size — the smaller the cell size, the 
higher the resolution — apart from the quality of the original 
data. However, once generated, the source data are lost and no 
improvement is possible. One can only down-sample a GRID 
DTM (i.e., go to a larger cell size and, thus, lower resolution). 
Creating a new DTM of a smaller cell size out of an existing 
GRID DTM will not increase its spatial resolution. A TIN 
DTM, on the other hand, does not suffer from this constraint 
due to its adaptive nature, although a small elevation tolerance 
may be employed to reduce data quantity in constructing a TIN. 
Many large data providers (USGS, for instance) choose GRID 
for their terrain data, due to its simplicity and relatively small 
storage size. TIN is typically used in places where engineering 
precision is required. Because of its sophisticated structure and 
heavy overhead in storage (in order to keep topology), TIN is 
rarely used to provide and maintain a large amount of terrain 
Obviously, GRID is preferred if format simplicity and storage 
space are the concerns. However, TIN might be a better choice 
if high precision is desirable, especially when terrain skeleton 
information (such as break lines and local extreme points), and 
other structure lines are important to preserve. A hybrid system 
that uses both GRID and TIN may sound like a good solution, if 
only it does not increase the complexity and difficulty in data 
management and updating, as well as in determining when to 
use GRID and when to use TIN. 

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