Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

O. Dorozhynskyy?*, H. Milinevskyy^, V. Hlotov* 
? Lviv Polytechnic National University, Stepan Bandera St. 12, L'viv - 13, Ukraine, 79013 
* Ukrainian Antarctic Center, Bulvar Tarasa Shevchenka 35, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033 
KEYWORDS: Photogrammetry, Coast, Digital, GIS, Monitoring, DTM, Scale, Terrestrial 
For three recent years the Ukrainian photogrammetrists from the Lviv Polytechnic National University have been doing wide-ranging 
complex photogrammetric research at the Antarctic Station "Academician Vernadskyy". The station is located on one of the islands in 
Argentine Archipelago. The main aim of our experts is to fulfill the following tasks: to get a digital map with the scale of 1:1 000 which 
is to serve as a basis for GIS of the archipelago with the following indication of biologic, radiometric, magnetometric, geophysic and other 
data: to monitor the coastline and to find out the dependence of the changes on the natural factors; to research the DTM structure of the 
coastal glaciers, to determine the cinematic parameters (displacement) and glaciologic data.To accomplish these tasks we have elaborated 
and put into practice the mathematic model of photogrammetry of cinematic processes and complex technology of conducting digital 
terrestrial survey from a firm point and from a moving boat. In the course ofthe expedition period 2002 - 2004 the researchers made about 
1000 digital photographs that were stereoscopically processed on the digital photogrammetric station DELTA-2. The analysis of the 
digital maps and DTM proves effectiveness of technology, and accurate presentation of the changes of spatial objects. The paper includes 
the photos of Galindez Island and some cartographic material got in the course of research. 
A wide range of researches and experiments has been done at the 
Ukrainian Antarctic Station "Academician Vernadskyy". Exten- 
sive information collected on this region needs systematizing. This 
natural requirement pushed forward the idea of making GIS ofthe 
Argentine Islands and adjacent coast of Antarctic peninsula. 
The topographic map with the scale of 1:1000 were chosen a basis 
for making GIS because such map is very convenient to indicate in 
details all the information like biologic areas, colonies of birds, 
location of various sensors (radiometric, magnetometric, meteoro- 
logical and the like). 
To make the topographic maps we used the methods of terrestrial 
phototheodolite digital survey [1]. 
The survey included field and cameral work. The field work aims 
to obtain photographic (digital) information (a stereogram) about 
the locality and data defining the elements of the absolute orienta- 
The field work provided the geodetic base on the territory under 
survey. The work started with surveying Marina Point from the 
boat equipped with the tripod to fix camera. 
However the complicated glacier situation in the year 2002 kept 
us from completing the whole amount of work planned according 
to the technology. So the decision was to survey the island from 
the adjacent territories: Winter Island, Grotto Island, Corner Is- 
land, Skua Island. To provide a complete mapping, the survey 
was done in two ways: normal and with equal deviation of the 
optical axis of the camera depending on basis. After the field and 
cameral photogrammetry work was completed on Winter Island, 
the expedition proceeded with survey on Grotto Island, interme- 
diate islands and Corner Islands. 
The expedition of the year 2003 finished the survey of Galindez 
and Winter Island. 
Some "dead" areas were found in the process of digital 
phototheodolite survey of the island coastline. This necessitated 
topographic photographing which was done with the use of GPS 
Owing to peculiarities of the relief it was necessary to use GPS in 
topographic survey of the western part of Galindez Island. Still 
the planned work was not accomplished, as it appeared impos- 
sible to get directly to the object under research. Then digital 
phototheodolite survey was done on Penguin and Penjuin Points. 
To mark and to determine the control points, the researches landed 
from the boat. The digital phototheodolite survey (normal and 
with equal deviation of the optical axis of the camera) was done 
from two bases fixed on the main altitudes. 
The technology of mapping the coastline from the boat was used 
to survey the western part ofthe island with the preliminary deter- 
mination over all area under survey. 
Thus digital phototheodolite survey done from the boat or from 
the basic points, or with the use of GPS was applied to collect 
data on the whole territory of the island. The collected data were 
used in subsequent cameral photogrammetry work aiming at cre- 
ating topographic map with the scale 1:1000 which will make a 
basis for GIS. 
The cameral work consisted in processing of the terrestrial pho- 
tographs on photogrammetric station "Delta" [3]. 
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