Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

A. Gusso* *, D. C. Fontana? 
? CEPSRM, Centro Estadual de Pesquisas em Sensoriamento Remoto e Meteorologia 
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, P.O. Box 15044, Porto Alegre, Brasil - anibal.gusso@ufrgs.br 
? Faculdade de Agronomia 
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil - dfontana@vortex.ufrgs.br 
KEY WORDS: Climate, Retrieval, Surface, Temperature, Temporal, Observation, AVHRR/NOAA 
The surface temperature is the net result of the climatic energy balance to the environmental process at the Earth. Therefore, accurate 
estimation of land surface temperature (LST) can be regarded as an important information to global and regional monitoring as much 
as the understanding of the eletromagnetic radiation and matter interactions over the surface of the Earth. A monitoring study of the 
nocturnal decreasing temperature of the land surface is developed. In the present study, the main problem is to verify the relationship 
of decreasing temperature due to the rate of loss of land surface energy that can occur in the region by means of the temporal satellite 
survey, compared with ground based stations. In order to quantify it, a linear regression to makes possible an operational 
understanding is developed. The thermal decreasing trends with the spectral reply of the soil coverage and the land surface 
emissivity has been analyzed. For the LST estimate it is used a published split-window algorithm, with strongly dependence from the 
surface emissivity. The algorithm has been evaluated over the Rio Grande do Sul State in the south of Brazil, with good accuracy 
and it takes data from two spectral bands in the thermal infrared radiation. The method to estimate LST measurements and emissivity 
parameter use both data collect from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instruments from National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites. Although the pioneering character in the estimate of the LST through the 
satellites of NOAA series in the Rio Grande do Sul State, this study intends also, to contribute for the improvement of the 
technologies of analysis in the orbital tracking for numerical forecasting and to prevent and esteem the prejudicies in crop fields in 
Brazil. This paper also presents a discussion for the emissivity problem, with regards to the studied region. 
The land surface temperature (LST) is an important factor 
controlling most physical, chemical and biological processes in 
the Earth. Knowledge of the LST is necessary for many 
environmental studies and management activities of the Earth 
surface resources (Li & Becker 1993). 
It is possible to obtain measures of the radiance data from 
space-borne devices by means records of the emitted energy 
directly from the earth surface. In order to obtain this parameter 
from space radiometry in the thermal infrared part of the 
eletromagnetic spectrum, it is necessary to take into account 
emissivity and to correct the recorded signal for the 
perturbations created by the atmosphere along the path between 
the Earth's surface and the sensor (Becker & Li 1990). 
McMillin (1975) proposed a method called split-window based 
on the differential absorption in two adjacent spectral windows 
in the thermal infrared for correct the atmospheric effects. 
The LST results from energy exchange at the surface and 
satellite-based monitoring can be regarded as an important 
prerequisite of regional or global observations of surface water, 
energy and radiation budgets (Andersen, 1997). This is because 
accurate estimation of LST implies understanding of the 
energy/matter interactions and physical parameters that change 
in space and time in the biosphere. In the last 10 years, very 
* Corresponding author. 
complex models have been extensively applied to the accurate 
of LST estimation by means space-borne devices for monitoring 
some bio-geo-chemical processes over the Earth. However, a 
' detailed knowledge of the processes that leads to errors in the 
LST estimations are still wainting to be addressed for. 
The parameter temperature is classically referred as the kinetic 
movement of the particles inside the matter. On other hand, 
LST retrieved from satellite generally is defined as the skin 
temperature of the ground surface due to the longwave thermal 
infrared radiation that escapes from the surface. However, the 
ground surface is far from a skin or homogeneous surface with 
two dimensions (Vogt 1996 apud Qin & Karnieli 1999). 
Usually it is compared to various objects on the surface and 
some of them such as vegetation may be best described in three 
dimensions, even so, several times they are not conservative on 
time scales. The difference Tskin — Tair varies particularly with 
the surface water status, the roughness leght and the wind 
speed. Such physical conditions often makes the relation 
between Tair and LST into the biosphere thermodynamics 
understanding a lot obscure. 
In this paper the authors compare a short-term monitoring of 
LST and Tair variations by means of two different night-time 
satellite overpasses. This informations can be very useful for 
agrometeorology in the growing crop fields. The objective is to 
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