hul 2004
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mpared Jaroslaw Januszewski
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e In GEOSYSTEMS Polska, Co. Ltd., Bartycka St. 18a, 00-716 Warsaw, Poland -
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KEY WORDS: photogrammetry, GIS, soil, erosion, measurment, multitemporal
c geoid ABSTRACT:
(s ina This article concerns the application of photogrammetry and geoinformation to the previous research of soil erosion carried out in XIX
et from and XX century. In 1926 a Polish scientist, Stanislaw Bac initiated the first quantitative and comparative study of the soil loss at Dublany
s tested Estate near Lvov, Ukraine (Experimental Station of the Polytechnic of Lvow). He measured meteorological conditions, soil dynamics
ilts the on the slopes, carrying power of the wind and water, soil displacements on the slopes caused by ploughing. Comparing contour lines
> of the derived from two large-scale (1:2880) maps of his test area prepared in 1882 and in 1922 respectively, the author revealed the changes
of the surface of arable fields on loess soils, which took place during 40 years. In 1928, the results of his observations were published
in the first Polish scientific paper on soil erosion and conservation strategies. Access to aerial photographs of the Lvov area acquired
sary the in 1994 encouraged the author of this work to continue Bac’s researches on the same area, but with the aid of modern geoinformation
>viation methods. After field GPS measurements, strip of 3 B&W panchromatic (1:10000 scale) aerial photographs was photogrammetrically
nd this processed with satisfactory accuracy (RMSE ca. 0.4 m). Digital terrain model (DTM) and 0.3 meter resolution ortophoto were genera-
original ted and then used to calibrate old (1922) maps. After contour lines digitisation the 1922 DTM was generated through the interpolation
process. Change detection analysis consisted of the comparison of DTMs from 1922 and 1994. The extent, magnitude and rate of soil
erosion were determined. Surface level changes averaged in the in range of +/-3m. Both natural and man-made factors of this state were
identified. Furthermore, the quantitative results of photogrammetric measurements were compared with the results based on the one of
the most popular soil loss models — USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation), which was applied to the same area.
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1. INTRODUCTION arable fields located on loess soils, which took place during 40
the 7^ years. In 1928, the results of Bac's observations were published
ichische 1.1 Historical Background in the first Polish scientific paper on soil erosion and conserva-
tion strategies.
Polish scientist, Stanislaw Bac initiated the first quantitative and Two years later Jan Zolcinski has complemented these investiga-
es an comparative study of the soil loss in 1926 at Dublany Estate tions by his own field measurements and came to similar conclu-
esented near Lvov, Ukraine (Experimental Station of the Polytechnic sions. Results of both studies demonstrated high dynamics of the
Alberta of Lvov). He measured meteorological conditions, soil dyna- soil erosion processes at Lvov region.
: mics on the slopes, carrying power of the wind and water, soil
displacements on the slopes caused by agrotechnical activities, 1.2 Project Aim
zásdiom mainly tillage. Comparison of contour lines represented on two
hnology large-scale maps (1:2 880) of his test area prepared in 1882 and In Contemporary field observations of the same area enabled to for-
1922 respectively (Fig. 1), revealed changes of the surface of the mulate a hypothesis that the aforementioned processes occur also
with rather high intensity.
Its most often occuring evidences are brighter zones on a hill
slopes (Fig. 2). This phenomena, named by Zolcinski as ,,dead
plots" is caused by low soil humus content level. Soil humus is
deposited at the foot of the slope and it can be clearly seen on
National aerial photographs as dark zones (Fig. 3)
Access to the aerial photographs of this special test-site acquired
within the scope of the Open Sky Treaty in 1994 encouraged the
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Figure 1. Overlayed maps from 1922 and 1927 Figure 2. ,,Dead plots" on a Dublany's hill slopes
show differences in contour locations.