International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004
should be specified as points, lines or polygons; however the
current version of the COM limits fire line specifications to
points only.
3.2.4 Manager's Toolbox: Using the tools in the Manager's
Toolbox, the user can update user accounts, update database
data, update user submitted fires and hotspots.
Update User Accounts: This tool allows a manager to see
information about the users who have accessed the site.
Information about the users includes:
® their user status,
« name and
o Email.
Only an existing manager can upgrade a general user to
manager status. Similarly, only a managerial user can demote a
user to general status or delete a user from the system.
Database Management Tool: This tool is still under
development. Once finished, this tool will allow users, with
managerial status, to access or update the fire information
database. Data in the fire information database will include fire
weather information, provincial fuel type information and fire
location information.
User Submit Fires and Hotspots Tool: This application
provides some tools for managing and monitoring fire and
hotspot situations. Using these tools, managers can view the
new fire information that has been submitted by other fire
managers and edit or update information about fires as it
becomes available.
Wildfires and hotspots need quick response times. This system
provides the manager with the ability to work on any computer
at any time, and from any location. To ensure quick fire
response times, the system will send an email to the fire
managers the instant a user submits new fire or hotspot
information to the system. In addition, having the detection
software, reporting functions, fire simulation model and
decision-making support tools available on the same website
provides a seamless fire report and management tool that will
help mitigate wildfire disasters.
This research has the potential to greatly benefit fire managers
in predicting and managing fires. The WMMS could help
minimize suppression efforts by directing the supplies to the
areas of active heat emissions via real-time thermal images and
modeling techniques. As a result, this system could not only
save time and money but also improve the safety of the ground
based fire-fighters. This system will also be updated and
improved as future versions of the Prometheus COM are
released. Additional functions will also be created to
supplement the Prometheus COM. Proposed functions will be
designed to incorporate additional variables that affect fire
behavior. Two additions are currently being researched. One
addition will involve the incorporation a resource
location/allocation function. The second addition is to include
a danger vs. economic loss rating variables into the Prometheus
Hirsch, K. G., 1996. Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction
System: User's Guide, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, UBC Press,
pp. |
Johnson, E. A., Miyanishi, K., 2001. Forest Fires: Behavior
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Lime, S., 2003. Information about Map Server, “Map Server:
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O’Brian, 2003. A Confusion hurt effort: Kelowna fire chief:
Plea made to make decisions locally. Thursday, November 27,
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Prometheus: The Canadian Wildland Fire Growth Model",
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. http://www.
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Van Wagner, C.E.; Pickett, T.L. 1985. Equations and
FORTRAN program for the Canadian Forest Fire Weather
Index System. Canadian Forest Service, Ottawa, ON. Forestry
Technical Report 33.
Wright, B. and El-Sheimy, N. (2003): "Real-Time Direct
Georeferencing of Thermal Images for Identification and
Location of Forest Fire Hotspots", 6th Conference on Optical
3D Measurement Techniques, Zurich, Switzerland, September
22-25, 2003.
The Authors would like to thank Mr. Cordy Tymstra from
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development for providing the
Prometheus COM software.