Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

Outline 10.81 
TO: SUBJECT: Partnership - follow - up DATE: October 1981 
4.2 The benefits from partnership are : 
+ Practice related subjects for thesis work of graduate students (being super- 
wised by specialists) are available. 
+ As the details of professional requirements will be quite different in both 
partner countries, solving a problem of the utilizing country with methods, 
and/or hardware, and/or software existing in the brain - trust country can 
result in improvements to the benefit of the latter. 
+ Researchers are in a position to test their findings regarding extended 
requirements, and that can give rise to more versatile results. 
+ The partnership is finally also a contribution for better use of the money 
of tax payers assuming the project of technical cooperation was funded from 
public revenues. 
5e Utilizing -Partner 
The Utilizing - Partner will be an institution in a developing country having 
received a project. Optimum benefit from the project might require a brain trust 
for solving some more tasks within the next years to come. Examples are: 
* Preparation of any kind of software; 
adjustment of a traverse net; 
positioning of trigonometric points by Doppler satellite tracking; 
short field courses for updating of geodetic training; 
solving detail problems for scribing of maps; 
design of a thematic map; 
digital treatment of imagery for remote sensing; 
image analysis for a particular vegetation Species or for exploration of a 
Specific kind of minerals. 
+ + + + + + + 
6. Some properties of partnership - follow - up 
+ Prtnership - follow-up is inteded to last for a long period of time after 
termination of a project. 
+ Partnership - follow-up may include regular short meetings of both partners 
at intervals of about two years. Moreover, activities can be proposed by 
both partners. 
+ The brain trust specialist does not need to Stay long in the utilizing country. 
Most of his work can be done in his office. He is in general not bound to 
specific dead line dates. 
+ Partnership - follow-up should be considered independently on whether it adds 
a bilateral or a multilateral project. It will become effective only after 
termination of a project, hence it does not interfere with the project. It 
will be implemented only upon special request of the project receiver. 
7. Financial implications 
As a matter of definition, both partners will receive their share after the 
outcome of a partnership has been sold. Partnership - follow -up does not intend 
to sell anything. Consequently, no one partner will be paid for his work. 
Nonetheless, expenses have to be covered in any case. It is suggested that 
expenses will be refunded from national sources of either country. 

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