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ant parts of
. Good and
practical references to B-spline algorithms are (de Boor,
1978), (Schumaker, 1981) and (Piegl et al., 1995).
Following basic things need to be considered in least
squares B-spline curve fitting problems. Given noisy
data points (observations) solve the coefficients of a
approximating spline curve. Curve parameter, t, is
unknown for every observation, so usually this paramet-
rization problem is solved first and perhaps is improved
later if needed. Chord length parametrization is
invariant to rigid motions. To get more information on
parametrization see (Ma et al, 1995). Specially in
matching problems it usually helps a lot if chosen
parametrization is invariant to used geometric trans-
formation (for example if affine geometric transformation
is used then affine invariant parametrization is good
choice). Knots divides the chosen curve parametrization
to finite segments. The number of knots and placement
is needed. Usually knots are chosen using heuristic
rules, such as every n:th data point is a knot (value of a
knot is a curve parameter value of that point). Auto-
matic selection of number and positions of the knots see
(Cox et al. 1988) and references there. The number of
knots defines also the number of spline coefficients
(number is not the same, see definitions). Also suitable
degree of a curve should be selected. Curve parameters,
knots and degree of a curve defines the basis functions,
B-splines. Resulting linear least square system is sparse.
If a fitting problem is formulated selecting for example
chord length parametrization a result can be seen in
figure 1 (knots have been placed to curve parameter
value of every tenth observation, degree of the curve is
three). Small circles are observations and line between
a circle and the curve is a residual. As mentioned earlier
curve parametrization can be improved, see (Guéziec et
al., 1994), (Sarkar et al., 1991). We select optimization
algorithm that finds minimum length between an
observation and the curve by golden section search and
parabolic fitting. Optimization algorithm computes the
new curve parameter values. With the new curve
parameters the least square problem for spline coeffi-
cients is solved once again. This may be repeated if
needed or solution satisfies the specified criterion, see
figure 2.
Figure 1
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Figure 2
The first geometric invariant used here is angle between
three consecutive spline coefficient vectors, see figure 3
for a third degree spline curve and figure 4 for a first
degree spline curve. An angle can be defined for example
clockwise from a first segment to a second segment. This
feature is computed at every node but first and last of
the coefficient polygon. For a closed curve, the angle can
be computed at all nodes. In 3-D case three consecutive
coefficient vectors form a local plane and the angle is
defined in that plane. So the defined angles does not
change if a rigid motion applied to the coefficient
The second invariant is product of two distances com-
puted between three consecutive coefficient vectors.
The third feature is combination of both previously
defined invariants, dot product of two vectors formed by
three consecutive spline coefficients. Also absolute value
of a vector product is rigid motion invariant but it is not
used here.
Three chosen invariants do not need any derivative
information as many differential rigid motion invariants
do. Invariant measures are computed for coefficients of
a curve and effective area of a coefficient depends on the
degree, n, of a curve. Effective area (or support area) of
one coefficient is n consecutive knot segments. See
figures 3 and 4, a curve is changing locally when one
coefficient has moved (notice the arrow).