Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Gerhard Smiatek 
Department of Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing 
Institute of Navigation, Stuttgart University 
Keplerstr. 11 , 70174 Stuttgart 
Commission VII, WG 2 
KEY WORDS: Remote.Sensing, Agriculture, Land. Use, Statistics, GIS, SAR, Accuracy 
Misclassified numerical results of a multispectral classification can be corrected using the double sampling 
scheme. For a small sample both the true classification, i.e. ground truth, and the fallible classification from 
the classified imagery have to be provided. The comparison of both yields information on the misclassification 
errors. This information is used to correct for the bias introduced by the multispectral classification. The article 
describes the sampling method. 
Die Korrektur der numerischen Ergebnisse einer multispektralen Klassifizierung kann mit der Methode der 
doppelten Stichprobe erfolgen. Hierbei wird fiir eine kleine Stichprobe die wahre Klassifizierung bereitgestellt. 
Aus dem Vergleich der wahren Klassifizierung und der fehlerhaften Klassifizierung mit den Bilddaten werden 
statistisch signifikante Korrekturfaktoren abgeleitet. Die Kenntnis dieser Faktoren erlaubt die Korrektur des 
Klassifikationsergebnisses. Der Beitrag beschreibt das Verfahren. 
1. INTRODUCTION In crop surveys the acreage of a certain crop is 
usually of importance. Misclassified results of the ML 
The Maximum Likelihood classifier (ML) is fallible classification can be corrected if some information on 
for well-known reasons. If SAR imagery is classified, the misclassification error is known. For the study 
the bias can be extremely large. Several methods have area for each ML classified pixel the true classification 
been developed to assess the accuracy of classification from the site visit is also available. Thus, the results 
of remotely sensed data (i.e. Congalton, 1991). There ^ can be summarized in the following contingency table: 
are also methods available to correct for the bias intro- 
duces by multispectral classifications (i.e. Czaplewski 
and Catts, 1992). One of them is the double sampling fallible maximum 
developed by Tenebein (1970) employed with remote- likelihood 
ly sensed data by Card (1982), Czaplewski and Catts classifier 
(1990), Smiatek (1995) and others. This article covers 1 2 k 
some issues of the double sampling for misclassified l aj aı2 + Aix Ou. 
ERS-1-SAR data in agricultural surveys. True 2 831 8232 ++ ag 82. 
classifier 3 a3, ass --- as, as. 
kl 8k2 '^'  Bkk 8k. 
41.823.550 & sri 
For a study area the geometry of the fields was di- 
gitized from orthophotograph and stored in a geogra- ^ where k is the number of land use category (i.e. winter 
phical information system (GIS). After that the site ^ wheat, maize etc.) in the survey; aj; is the number 
was visited and the actual land use was mapped and of pixels whose true category is à and whose fallible 
introduced into the database. Three multitemporal category 1s j. 
ERS-1 GTC SAR images were provided for classifica- Following the misclassification model developed by 
tion. In addition, the Lee filtering was applied to the ~~ Bross (1954), Tenebein (1970) and Tenebein (1972) 
images. The results of the multispectral classificati- ^ the result of the ML classification given as the pro- 
on have shown that the area of major crops is widely portion 7 can be considered as 
underestimated and that neither Lee filtering nor the 
majority filter improved the results. 7 — p(1— 0) 4 qó (1) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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