Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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A. A. Ogbechie and J. B. Olaleye | 
Department of Surveying \ 
University of Lagos | 
Lagos, Nigeria 
M a sco mm ^ Repo w— 
The history of Surveying in Nigeria is briefly outlined. The historical development of Aerial 
Photography and Photogrammetric Mapping in Nigeria is reviewed. The roles of Federal Surveys 
and private mapping companies in Photogrammetric operations are examined. Local problems 
that the Photogrammetrist faces in Nigeria are briefly highlighted. Finally, a future projection of 
the role of Photogrammetry in the coming decades is made. 
Photogrammetry has played a very important role in the production of maps in Nigeria. 
Due to its obvious advantages as a fast, economic and more efficient mapping tool, Photogra- 
mmetry has been used for the compilation of topographical maps ever since serious mapping 
started in Nigeria in the late 1950s. The first topographical maps were compliled from high 
altitude aerial photographs taken by the Royal Air Force. Photogrammetric instrumentation 
at that time was rudimentary and consisted mainly of direct projection instruments of the 
Multiplex series. | 
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Today, photogrammetry has grown into a very sophisticated science. Modern first order 
plotters are now available in the country. Furthermore, several qualified professionals are also 
available. This paper traces the history. of Aerial Photography and Photogramm etric Mapping . 
in Nigeria | 
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The history of Surveying in Nigeria began with the establishment of a Survey Department 
in Nigeria in the later half of the 19th century. The surveyors in those early days were mainly 
British Army personnel attached to the Colonial Office. The sole purpose of those early surveys 
was to provide maps for the smooth operation of the colonial administration. As the survey 
operation expanded, the need to train indegneous surveyors arose. Consequently a Survey 
School offering a 3 year basic survey course was established in Oyo in 1908. The graduates of the 
School at Oyo joined the colonial Surveyors of the Survey Department in the initial surveys 
which were mainly acquisitions and demarcations of the administrative headquarters at Lagos 
Calabar, Lokoja and so on. When Nigeria became a federation in 1954, Regional Survey 
Departments were created at Ibadan, Enugu and Kaduna with a Federal Survey Department 
based in Lagos. The Federal Survey Department was given the responsibility for National 
Framework Survey including primary traiangulation and levelling, surveys of national impor- 
tance such as international boundary surveys and aerial Photography. The survey divisions 
in the Eastern Region, Western Region and the Northern Region were to be responsible for 
Cadastral Surveys and Large Scale Township Mapping within their boundaries. 
Pie PB o uu 
Since independence in 1960, the Surveying profession in Nigeria has grown tremendously. 
Federai Surveys has grown into a larae self-sufficient survey organization that can presently 

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