Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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The Symposium arrived at the following conclusions: 
1.1 There should be special workshops as a means of continu ing education in Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing in collaboration with the other Commissions with Commission V I. 
2.1 While appreciating the military applications of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, non- 
military applications are vital to the economic growth of the country, therefore Government 
should give more recognition and invest more in surveying and mapping activities particularly 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing as they are essential tools for Economic Development. 
2.2 Governments should get more involved and give active cooperative participation in surveying 
and mapping activities including Remote Sensing activities in general. 
2.3 Governments are urged to make use of the scientific commu nity in research for practical 
applications by governments and industry. 
2.4 Government should be encouraged to establish Satellite receiving station for Africa, prefers-- 
bly in Nigeria and seek possibilities for financial assistance to do so. 
3. 1 Working Groups are encouraged to hold workshops on their topics and make use of graphic 
illustrations or displays. 
3.2 It is recommended that a detailed description of the contents of the Laval University Infor- 
mation system which includes information on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing be prepa- 
3.3 Proposal to be submitted to the International Union of Surveying and Mapping and negotia- 
tions will be initiated as to how Laval University survey and mapping information systems 
can be made a component of the Union. To this end, the organization of a special wor kshop 
should be considered. 
3.4 Special questionnaires on the inventory of Educational and Research facilities in Photogram- 
metry and Remote Snsing should be reviewed, updated and eventually modified. For this 
purpose a small study Group would be formed and charged with these tasks. 
3.5 We recognise the activities of Dr. T. Blacknut.in publishing the History of Photogrammetry 
Vol 1 and we would wish that this work be presented at the Congress. We offer to review the 
manuscript before publication and we would wish that this should there after be presented 
at the Kyoto Congress. 
3.6 We appreciate the effort of Dr. Fred Doyle to edit Vol |! of History of Photogrammetry and 
we would wish that this work would be presented at the Congress, We offer to review the ma- 
nuscript before publication and would wish this should thereafter be presented at the 
Kyoto Congress. 
3.7 The work on the multi-lingual Dictionary of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing should be 
continued as planned. Active support of this work by the member societies is recommended. 
3.8 Activities on professional standards for education should be continued and presented at tii 
Congress in the form of an invited paper. 
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