Full text: Geoinformation for practice

The results of this project showed that there was not an 
appropriate and up-to-date spatial and attribute data. Therefore, 
it was decided to produce and collect these kinds of data. 
As there was not an appropriate spatial data for using in Shiraz 
GIS, it was decided to produce 1:2,000 scale map of the city 
from 1:8,000 aerial photographs using photogrammetric 
A technical group started interviewing with different 
departments of municipality in order to determine their required 
spatial data to be shown on the 1:2,000 digital maps. In this 
stage, mapping standard for 1:2,000 topographic maps produced 
by National Cartography Center (N.C.C) of IRAN was also 
studied and investigated. 
Based on this study, required spatial data for Shiraz GIS were 
determined and required direction guides for production, editing 
and preparing spatial data for GIS, quality control and updating 
as well as cartography of the maps were prepared. 
Different private companies, which were interested in 
cooperating with municipality of Shiraz for producing maps 
from aerial photographs, were evaluated and three of them were 
selected for this purpose. 
Required attribute data related to spatial data were investigated 
and documented. It was decided to collect and structure just 
audit data for the first phase. At the present time, a technical 
team is collecting and structuring attribute data. 
Attribute data consist of following information: 
= Traffic information that produced in transportation and 
traffic study. 
= “Post office database” that includes some information 
about each property has a unique code, assigned to it. 
" Census information. 
= Some information about each property that is required for 
special municipality's applications. 
This step consists of different projects such as, conceptual 
modelling, selection of hardware and  GIS software 
environment, designing user interface, producing user-friendly 
software, integration of software and GIS ready data as well as 
implementing the software (Aronoff S. 1991, Burrouph P. A. 
* Conceptual modeling 
This step consists of compilation of the information 
framework, compilation of the information cycle and 
defining and representing the relation between 
Based on the requirements of ShirazGIS project, the 
framework of information at scale of 1:2000 was 
compiled so that the required features as well as their 
associated attributes were selected. The information 
cycle, which clarifies those departments that are 
responsible for producing, updating, storing and 
using of each of the features, was defined. 
At the end, the relationships between entities 
including — spatial-topological relationships and 
spatial-non-topological relationships as well as non- 
spatial relationships were defined and represented in 
a network diagram. 
Logical modeling 
In this stage, the conceptual model was documented 
in a manner to be able to implement it easily in the 
system. It contains normalization and 
denormalization of tables, defining required tables 
and their associated fields, defining primitive keys 
and foreign keys as well as defining the domains of 
the fields (Michael N. DeMers, 1999). 
Physical modeling 
In this sub-project, the result of logical modeling was 
implemented in ShirazGIS software. It contains 
creating tables, associated fields with tables, 
primitive keys and foreign keys as well as linking 
tables together based on logical model (Michael N. 
DeMers, 1999). 
Designing user interface 
After evaluating the requirements as well as the 
technical knowledge of GIS users in municipality, it 
was decided to develop four softwares in one frame 
by customizing ShirazGIS software. The first 
software, gives the users the capability of creating 
reports, doing required analysis easily as well as 
creating special thematic maps and so on. 
The other softwares will be used for storing and 
updating spatial data, storing and updating attribute 
data and creating backup. 
Software development and 
implementation of the 
Based on designed user interfaces and required 
functionalities, required softwares were customized 
and developed by a group of experts in software 
Data and software integration 
After software development, the prepared and 
structured data was integrated with ShirazGIS 
software. The prepared package will be tested and 
installed in different departments of municipality of 
At the present time a technical team from K.N.Toosi 
University of Technology including experts in GIS, 
database, software and system development, work in 
this stage. 
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