Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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- . Coordinates of the principal point of the toponym. 
Toponymic project will have to determine definition 
of the principal point for each topographic feature 
- A Descriptive position, which can be either name and/or 
nomenclature of map sheet of certain scale, 
municipality name or other local administrative unit's 
The quality of toponymic database will arise if more attributes 
could be added. Some of the attributes that can be put in 
database are: 
- Variant name, which can be the same toponym 
written in other form or in other language 
- Cartographic name, variant of toponym used on a 
map (for example abbreviated name) 
- Status of standardisation of toponym, (for example 
officially approved, historic, etc.) 
- . Coordinates that define position of the topographic 
object, (for example, minimum and maximum 
coordinate values) 
- . Numerical value (for example number of inhabitants 
or mountain height) 
- Link to the superior topographic object of the same 
topographic feature category (for example, mountain 
peak linked to mountain, mountain linked to mountain 
- Identification number of toponym or topographic 
object from gazetteer that was source for toponym. 
Number of additional attributes can be even larger, but 
optimum level will be defined after thorough optimisation of 
expected expenses related to expected data quality. 
The production of a comprehensive register of geographic 
names is an extensive, but necessary and still not initiated work 
that the Croatian official geodesy is to be faced with. With 
regard to the importance, extensiveness and significance of 
producing an adequate toponymic database it is indispensable to 
establish the collaboration on a wide level that would include 
geodesists, geographers, cartographers, linguists, historians and 
Although creation of toponymic database is important and is 
tremendous effort, without establishment of official 
governmental body that will be responsible for the content and 
maintaining of database, results of those efforts will not be fully 
accepted among users and by time can be overridden by other 
unformal, unofficial and unreliable gazetteers. 
Along with establishment of principles and procedures for using 
and creating toponyms on official, Croatian language, the care 
has to be taken also to the minority languages, narrative names 
and to non-Croatian toponyms, the way that toponyms are used 
in languages of neighboring languages. 
References from Journals: 
Buljat, J., 1997. Medunarodne  aktivnosti normizacije 
geografskog nazivlja, Geodetski list, 2, pp. 158- 161. 
Orth, D.J., 1990. "Organization and functions of a National 
Geographical Names Standardization Programme: A Manual.", 
World Cartography, Vol. XXI, New York, United Nations, pp. 
References from Books: 
Lovrié, P., 1988. Opéa kartografija, Liber, Zagreb. 
References from Other Literature: 
State Geodetic Administration, 1995. Sluzbeni topografsko- 
kartografski informacijski sustav — Idejni projekt, Zavod za 
fotogrametriju d.d., Zagreb. 
State Geodetic Administration, 1999. Law of state survey and 
real estate cadastre, Narodne novine br. 128/99, Zagreb 
State Geodetic Administration, 2000. Topografsko informacijski 
sustav Republike Hrvatske — CROTIS, Temeljna naëela — 
Katalog objekata, verzija 1.0, GEOFOTO d.o.o., Zagreb. 
State Geodetic Administration, 2001. Object Catalogue, version 
1.1, Croatian Topographic Information System — CROTIS, 
Zagreb, Croatia 
State Geodetic Administration, 2002. Projekt Toponimika — 
nazivlje, I. faza, Sveuéciliste u Zagrebu — Geodetski fakultet — 
Zavod za kartografiju, Zagreb. 
References from websites: 
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Geographical Names, 
http://geonames.nrcan.gc.ca/index e.php (accessed 20 May 
Institute of the Estonian Language, 
http://www.eki.ee/knab/knab.htm (accessed 20 May 2003) 
United States Geological Survey, Geographic Names 
Information System, http://geonames.usgs.gov/ (accessed 20 
May 2003) 
PCGN: The Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 
for British Official Use, http://www.pegn.org.uk/Indexx.htm 
(accessed 20 May 2003) 

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