Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

in case of cloudy areas in the stereo pair) of the gen- 
erated DEMs. The fusion of optical and inter- 
ferometric data for Land Use Classification seems to 
be very promising. In particular, the coherence im- 
ages give a significant contribution for the detection 
of different land cover classes. The first results ob- 
tained by the authors have been issued from a very 
simple data set. The procedure is going to be ex- 
tended to a bigger number of layers. 
The authors are grateful for the support and the co- 
operation of Mr. Marc Honikel and Dr. Emmanuel 
Baltsavias from the IGP - Zurich Institute of Tech- 
nology (Switzerland). They provided the SPOT DEM 
and the SPOT orthoimage used for the data fusion 
with the interferometric data. 
Crippa B., Crosetto M., Mussio L., 1998. The use of 
interferometric SAR for surface reconstruction. 
Proceedings of the ISPRS — Commission I Sym- 
posium, Bangalore (India). 
Kurczynski Z., Mréz M., 1998. Land cover and agri- 
cultural crop mapping for ERS SAR multi- 
temporal images. ESA Research and Develop- 
ment Report. 
Wegmiiller U., Werner C.L., 1996. Land Applications 
using ERS-1/2 Tandem Data. Proceedings of 
ESA Fringes 1996, Zurich (Switzerland). 
Chen L., Rau J., 1993. A unified solution for digital 
terrain model and orthoimage generation from 
SPOT stereo pairs. IEEE Transactions on 
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 31 (6), pp. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 705 

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