Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

Michael McLean 
.1995) Department of Land Information and Survey 
60 Denmark Street, Kew, Victoria 3101, AUSTRALIA 
Commission VI, Working Group WGVI/4 
KEYWORDS: Photogrammetry, Consulting, Management, Standards, Cost 
Due to changing government attitudes, many of the survey and photogrammetry services provided by public sector organisations, 
including VicRoads, have had to change to outsourcing of those services. The methods used to determine the best way of achieving 
any this result are discussed. 
This paper outlines the current services provided by the Land Information and Survey (LIS) Department at VicRoads, and then 
outlines the level and type of outsourcing. The process and outcomes of those processes are discussed, with the subsequent impact 
K on both VicRoads staff and the private sector. Mention is also made of the ongoing process of outsourcing survey and 
photogrammetry services at VicRoads. 
VicRoads is a Victorian State Government statutory authority 2.1 Policy background 
responsible for all matters relating to roads, their design, 
construction, maintenance and use. VicRoads operates with a 2.1.1 Government policy: It was the Government’s stated 
decentralised structure with head office in Melbourne, seven policy prior to the 1992 election that VicRoads concentrate on 
regional offices and a number of construction project offices core activities and contract or divest to the private sector all 
Japan feasible activities. 
The photogrammetry team is located within the Land 
Information and Survey Department (LIS). The team conducts The policy objectives of the Victorian government were to: 
aerial and terrestrial projects as well as being involved in : 
satellite and airborne multispectral remote sensing projects, © reduce state debt and therefore its need to borrow; 
usually in conjunction with academic institutions. create greater efficiency in the public sector and 
reduce costs; 
Since the late 1980s, as a result of changing government e. reduce the size of the public sector; 
attitudes towards the role of the public sector, there has been increase competition in the public sector; 
1490 an increasing emphasis on more private sector involvement in use the private sector to create wealth and jobs. 
what were previously public sector operations. Consequently 
many functions of public sector utilities have been either — The newly elected conservative government set out guidelines 
outsourced, corporatised, or privatised . for outsourcing which included: 
1.1 Definitions e the strategic framework within which decisions in 
ganas relation to outsourcing or sales of VicRoads services 
Outsourcing: is the contracting out to the private sector or businesses were to be made; 
zik of all or part of a public sector business, e the steps for evaluating and implementing an 
with the contract managed by staff of the outsource or sale proposal; 
2/7 public sector business. . information to assist in the effective management of 
each stage of the outsource or sale process. 
Corporatisation: is the separation of certain sections of a 
public sector operation into a separate 2.1.2 VicRoads policy: VicRoads had used contractors and 
business entity still owned by the consultants to provide road construction works and vehicle 
government. This business entity must be registration and licensing services for many years. This also 
a operated on a fully commercial basis. applied to LIS services. As a means of reducing costs and 
improving customer service, over the last few years VicRoads 
Privatisation: is the complete sale of a public sector has made increasing use of the private sector to provide 
business, or part of it, to private sector 
interests or in a public share float. 
services such as new vehicle registration, registration renewal 
collections, roads maintenance, property maintenance, printing, 
and survey services. VicRoads has also had to review its 
services on an on-going basis to ensure that its services are 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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