Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

1 • 3CQpo and sort of architectural inventory documentation 
The architectural inventory documentation is adjusted to the 
different architectural objects. It means different cases require 
different scope of documentation. Considering the following 
architectural objects: 
- architectural-town-planning complexes, 
- green area complexes, stone /brick/ buildings, 
- woodenbuildings, 
- interior decoration, equipment and details, 
we can assign a different range of documentation for each of 
these objects. 
The sort of documentation can be considered in two viewpoints. 
Either in form of «presentation of result or in kind of documents 
needed ford'e'scription of the space, technical and functional 
features of architectural objects. 
The form of presentation can be done in several ways: numerical, 
graphical, piiotograph!c¿1 or descriptive. In most cases graphical 
and photographical ways or theirs combination are U3ed. 
The kind of documen ts needed is connected v/ith the scope of 
documentation and oh arc hitec tural objects. 
According to the project instruction about geodetic inventory 
documentation of architectural monuments, designed and issued 
in 1977 by Cracow Geodetic Company /Poland/ the kind of documen 
tation needed for seperate architectural objects is as follow: 
A. - architectural-town-planning complex /in scale 1:200 or 
1 : 100 /: 
- planimetry and altimetry map, 
- horizontal cross-sections of all storeys, 
- views of the roofs, 
- vertical cross-3ectiona, 
- exterior and interior frontages, 
- other documentation /descriptive, legal, technical, 
B. - for landscape and green area complexes: 
- 1:500 planimetry and altimetry map with situation of 
existing kinds of trees and descriptions of them /names, 
heights, diameters of trunk, diameters of tree-top; 
situation and descriptions of hedges and bushes/. 
C. - for stone /brick/ buldings in 1:50 or 1:100 scale: 
elevations and same documentation as in point A. 
D. - for woodv/ork in scale 1:50 or even 1:20 the same as in 
point C and additionaly in scale 1:10 or 1:20 inventory of 
architectonical details, interior equipment and construction 
E. - for interior decoration, equipment and details in scale 
1:50 - 1:1 horizontal and vertical cross-sections, indica 
tion map and technical and photographical descriptions. 
F. - for registration of infuences of environmetal pollution 
damaging architectural objects - analytical photogrammetry 
can be used. •

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