Polish specialists participate in all important international
conferences and symposia on remote sensing; the number of papers
and contributions presented by our staff on such occasions is
steadily increasing. We attach special importance to our partici
pation in the works of international organizations in the field
of remote sensing, such as the United Nations Committee on
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space /our representative participated,in
the January 1978 meeting of the Technical Subcommittee/ and
COSPAR. Poland is participating in a regional scientific program
INTERKOSMOS, covering, among other problems, also remote sen
All Baltic countries are concerned with the quality of water in
the Baltic Sea. Common endeavours in this respect are carried
out on the basis of international convention. Members of our
staff, together with representatives of Szczecin Geodetic Enter
prise participated in last meeting of the Group of Experts for
Monitoring Baltic Sea. It is to be expected that remote sensing
will find an important place in the international program on
Baltic research. Remote sensing should also find interesting
applications in research on Polar Regions. Research on Polar
Regions is carried out in accordance with an international pro
gram; in Poland it is coordinated by the Polish Academy of Scien
ces. The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography and our Remote
Sensing Centre is participating in this program.
Bilateral cooperation plays an important role in the overal
system of international cooperation. Our Remote Sensing Centre
cooperates with respective institutions in USSR and other neigh
bouring countries. We are interested in developing this type
of cooperation with institutions in other countries. The organi
zation of bilateral seminars is an accepted form of this kind
of international exchange.
As mentioned earlier we have already organized Remote Sensing
Symposium in Warsaw in 1976 and 1977« For our next Symposium,
which will take place in the spring of 1979 we aire planning to
invite speakers and participants from abroad.
Remote sensing techniques are of particular importance for
developing countries. As our Centre reaches higher organiza
tional and technological level, we intend to increase the 3cope
of our assistance for the developing countries. Sophisticated
equipment, organizational and methological experience of our
Centre will be put at the disposal of trainees during an inter
national remote sensing training Seminar, which we are planning
to organize in 1980, under the auspices of United Nations. The
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography is also planning to organize
an international training centre for geodesists, surveyors and
cartographers on permanent basis. Training will be provided at
two levels; first courses ane planned for the fall of 1979.
Remote sensing will be one of the leading topics on the agenda.