Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

photographs above in the scale of 1 : 10,000, containing a settlement, was 
used. On a lawn, the limit between the shadow of a house and the adjacent 
sunlit area was measured with a micro-photometer. Further, the limit 
between a sunlit roof and the adjacent shadow was analysed. The cor 
responding T-function is shown in fig. 9. As a control, a bright test line was 
also laid out before photography. The dotted curve is the function for this test 
line. The agreement between the T-functions as calculated from the natural 
test pattern and from the painted test line is satisfactory. This means that 
there are certain possibilities for determining T-functions of aerial photographs 
without using special test patterns. 
The methods and investigations reported here show that the transfer 
functions are already a valuable aid in determining the quality of aerial photo 
graphs. However, an essential step remains, viz. the investigations of the cor 
relation between the quality, as measured above, and the results of photo 
interpretation and parallax measurements, expressed as standard deviations. 
Such an investigation is being planned. 
1. Schwidefsky, K. Konstrastübertragungs-Funktionen zur Bewertung der Bildgüte in der 
Photogrammetrie. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, 1960, Heft 2, S. 86-101. 
2. Bousky, S. Do present Standards Assure Photographie Interpretability? Communication 
to IX Int. Congress for Photogrammetry 1960. 
3. Meier, H. K. Diskussion der Bewegungsunschärfe bei Luftbildern mit Hilfe einer 
Kontrastübertragungsfunktion. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 1960, Heft 2, S. 65-77. 
4. Hempenius, S. A. Dodging, a Non-Linear Element in the Contrast Transfer of the 
Photographic System. Communication to IX Int. Congress for Photogrammetry, 1960. 
5. Welander, E. Contrast Transfer Functions in Aerial Photography. Communication to 
IX Int. Congress for Photogrammetry 1960. 
6. Higgins, G. C. and Jones, L. A. The Nature and Evaluation of the Sharpness of Photo 
graphic Images. Journal of the SMPTE, April 1952, p. 277-290. 
7. Ingelstam, E. Objektivprüfgeräte zur Messung der komplexen Kontrastübertragungs 
funktion im Stockholmer Institutet för optisk forskning. Photographischen Korrespon 
denz, 3. Sonderheft, 1959. 
8. Rosenbruch, K. J. Die Kontrastempfindlichtkeit des Auges als Beitrag zur Frage der 
Gütebewertung optischer Bilder. Mitteilung aus der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundes 
anstalt, Optik 16, 1959:3. 
9. Scott, R. M. Contrast Rendition as a Design Tool. Photographic Science and Engi 
neering, Volume 3, Number 5, September-October 1959, p. 201-209. 
10. Djurle, E. and Bäck, A. Some Measurements of the Effect of Air Turbulence on Photo 
graphic Images. Journal of the Optical Society of America, volume 51 nr. 9, 1961. 
11. Hendeberg, L. O. Contrast Transfer Function of Light Diffusion in Photographic 
Hendeberg, L. O. The Contrast Transfer of Periodical Structures in a Photographic 
Emulsion Developed with Adjacency Effects. 
Arkiv for Fysik. Band 16, nr. 38 and 39. Stockholm 1960. 
12. Henderberg, L. O. and Welander, E. Experimental Transfer Characteristics of Image 
Motion in Aerial Photography. (In manuscript). 
13. Higgins, G. C. and Perrin, F. H. The Evaluation of Optical Images. Photographic 
Science and Engineering, Volume 2, Number 2, August 1958.

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