Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

3t ry and 
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indust ry 
They did not have any sofisticated geodetic or photogrammetric 
instruments, they did not have any cameras and sensitive films, 
airplanes or other mechanical or electronics instruments or 
The progress of Sciences during the passed centuries was rather 
not very impressive, until our time when some decades ago the 
eruption of technology and the unbelievable progress of Applied 
Sciences changed immensiy the route of our lives. 
So. in order to 
able to 
follow 7 this rate 
change of the 
progress of our di 
sc iplines and 
in order to promo 
t e 
them, we must 
T . u. 
give correct and 
to date 
3 information t o 
t he new c omin g 
by her e 
-ga.nl zed 
•led all 
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ents in 
as in 
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qu i t e 
a per . 
The University syllabi must be frequently and properly updated 
and the scientists must exchange ideas and experiences. 
The activities of the International Society of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Commission VI, on educational, 
professional and economic aspects of Photogrammetry, Remote 
Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.) and Land 
Information Systems (L.I.S.) carried out by the working Groups of 
the Commission, guarantee that all the above mentioned aims are 
Knowing, the Scientists and Colleagues involved in all these 
activities, I am convinced that my expectations will be 

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