Wide application is open for techniques based on the
use of data produced by thermal-imagery or infrared aeri
al photography by Soviet IR imager "Vulkan" operated from
airplanes L-qiO, AN—12, AN— Ih-I8, '' Dacota— y", heli
copter MI-8.
The technology of copper and
r a r e-m e t a 1 endogene deposits
prospecting in arid zones using
the r m a 1-i mage aerial photogra
phs allows to reveal ore-magmatic systems promising
mth respect to local copper and rare-metal mineraliza
tion of porphyre, pyrite, quartz-vein-greizen formations.
Contrasting thermal properties of ores and ore-sur
rounding modifications make the aerial heat-imagery pre
ferable in relation to other remote control methods of
search for ore deposits. 'The technology is especially
efficient for insufficiently-explored regions, as it pro
vides additional geological information obtainable by
thermal-image photography only. 'This allows to concentra
te the ground-based geological and geophysical efforts in
most promising areas.
In well-explored regions the data of thermal-image
aerial photography make it possible to reevaluate the
prospects of already known fields and minor deposits.
The technology of reconnai
ssance and prospecting of salts
in "dry” lakes using thermal-
image aerial photographs is a good
tool for mapping of salts of various compositions, as
well as salt karst development areas, facilitating ope
rations in hard-accessible parts of dry lakes and incre
asing the validity of forecasts concerning possible re
serves of salts in deposits.
The technology of explorati
on of smouldering coal deposits
using therma 1-i mage photography
and geothermal methods isa means to
map zones.of spontaneous fire at levels down to 50 m,
to determine the depth and direction of fire front ad
vance, to reveal a network of hidden fissures filled