International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Voi. XXXII Part 7C2, UNISPACE III, Vienna, 1999
“Remote Sensing for the Detection, Monitoring
and Mitigation of Natural Disasters”
2:30-5:30 pm, 22 July 1999, VIC Room B
Vienna, Austria
zoning map of the rangeland at the level of the country, by
overlaying the existing maps, the detailed cartography of
vegetation and tire development of a statistical model for the
inventory of the rangeland at the national level, in tenns of
species acreage.
Remote sensing allowed the mapping and the inventory of the
soils in arid and semi-arid zones, at the scale of recognition
(1/200.000), by using Landsat data (Merzouk, 1992) and the
mapping of the stony zones by the utilization of Spot data
(MAMVA, 1996). By the means of GIS, the mapping of the
sensitivity to water erosion, which is based on the principle of
tire Universal Equation of the Losses in Soil, integrating many
factors such as climate, topography, pedology, vegetation and
fanning practices, pennitted the production of soil losses
maps, on which the management plans of the watersheds in
Morocco are based (Anys et al., 1992).
Remote sensing and GIS are applied to the conservation and
the management of the surface water. Indeed, they pennit the
management of the irrigated perimeters (Ait Belaid, 1990), the
inventory of water bodies, the choice of sites of dams and the
determination of the zones affected by the floods (El Hadani,
1997). The information on soil moisture could be obtained by
the utilization of radar data (Merdas and Lichtenegger, 1994).
The interpretation of the appropriate elements on the pictures
indicate the favorable conditions for the presence of
underground water (El Hadani, 1997).
2.2 Monitoring of environmental
At the national level, the low resolution satellite data allows to
ensure the management of natural vegetation, on a ten day,
monthly and yearly basis by using NOAA/AVHRR data. The
frequently used parameters are the albedo (AL), the vegetation
index (NDVI) and the surface temperature (ST). These
different parameters are exploited for the monitoring of the
state of vegetation, the localization of the zones with water
stress and the characterization of the vulnerable zones to
For example, the vegetation index images are produced and
provided to the national center for the fight against migratoiy
locusts. Other geophysical parameters such as thermal inertia
and emissivity were developed and validated by CRTS in
collaboration with the University of Valencia. These
parameters have a great utility in the monitoring of the
desertification phenomenon and climatic variations.
Thus, a database of these parameters covering the period of
1987-1999 was constituted and enriched progressively by the
integration of new data. As a first result of the exploitation of
this database, a stratification at the national level was
produced in 5 classes : water bodies, rainfed cultures,
irrigated lands, forests as well as rangelands and bare soils
(Smiej, 1998).
In addition to the survey of the desertification phenomenon
from one single parameter, a new complementary approach
was developed at the national level, it is based on the
modelling of two parameters (ex. combination of the AL and
ST parameters).
The systematic development of this kind of document will
allow the yearly monitoring of desertification. The results are
in agreement with those obtained by many authors in different
regions (Seguin et al., 1987; Becker et ah, 1988). using more
or less similar methodologies and nomenclatures.
In conclusion, we note that the different results concerning the
monitoring of vegetation as well as the development of
desertification maps, emanating from various approaches, are
coherent with each other. These results being exploratory,
require validation by means of in situ data and popularization
among the potential users.
2.3 Scientific cooperation
Within the framework of regional cooperation, CRTS lias set
up tliree projects on the survey of desertification.
The first is lead in collaboration with the University of
Valencia in Spain over a period of 2 years. It focuses on the
survey- of desertification and climatic risks in Morocco and
their impact on natural resources. The main objectives are : to
derive two parameters (thermal inertia and emissivity') from
NOAA/AVHRR images, at the regional level (Morocco and
Spain), and to characterize soil and vegetation, using Landsat-
TM images at the local level.
The second project, entitled CAMELEO (Changes in Arid
Mediterranean Ecosystems on the Long Temi through Earth
Observation ), over a period of 3 years, associates the
countries of North Africa to set up a methodology for
desertification monitoring in this region producing
information for the operational management of arid zones. The
main purpose is to discriminate areas where soil and
vegetation are degrading, stable or recovering. In addition, the
understanding of the relationships between those changes and
land use will be a major objective.
The third project, entitled Network for Long Term Ecological
Survey (ROSELT), aims to set up permanent devices for
systematic observations of natural ecosystems in order to
follow on the evolution of the environment at the local and
regional levels.
These projects constitute an excellent beginning in the
understanding of desertification at the national and regional
levels. The future projects are going to capitalize on the
accumulated knowlege in order to build an operational system
for forecasting and combatting desertification.
2.4 Toward the development of a DIS