International Archives of Photograminetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII Part 7C2, UNISPACE III, Vienna. 1999
“Remote Sensing for the Detection, Monitoring
and Mitigation of Natural Disasters”
2:30-5:30 pm, 22 July 1999, VIC Room B
Vienna, Austria
synthetic antenna of great length by integrating the complex
signals in amplitude and phase returned from targets over a dis
tance along the track. In the case of a satellite SAR with a 10 m
long antenna at 5.3 GHz and at 800 km altitude (ERS) the an
tenna ‘sees’ a stretch on the ground of about 6 km in the azimuth
direction - determined by the real aperture. A satellite has a
ground velocity of about 6 km/sec and since the satellite accord
ing to theory must not move more than half the length of the
antenna between the emitted pulses the pulse repetition fre
quency becomes of the order of 1 kHz. The received signal rep
resents therefore 1000 samples of observation at 5 meter. With a
pulse length of 60 nanoseconds the range resolution is 9 metres.
The signal processing comprises a technique called focusing,
which is carried out within each band of 9 meter within the swath
of the antenna. This is a major computational task. In the case of
ERS SAR the final resolution is of the order of 12.5 in. Multi
looking, i.e. combination of three sets of resolution cells to re
duce noise, i.e. speckle that is a characteristic of any coherent
systems results in a spatial resolution of 30 m in a 100-km
In principle, a veiy fine spatial resolution may be achieved by
means of SAR by applying veiy short pulses and improving the
integration teclmiques. However, the volume and therefore the
bandwidth of these signals transmitted to ground lead to a trade
off between the resolution that may be achieved and the swath of
the system. Thus, fine-resolution systems will in general have a
smaller swath than medium-resolution systems. Future satellite
SAR systems with a resolution of, say 5 m, may provide a swath
of only 10 km.
However, fine ground resolution in even very wide swaths, ex
emplified by the ScanSAR system of RADARSAT, may be de
vised by beam swinging as already described. This type of sys
tem needs an active (scanning) array antenna with a great number
of active antenna elements (each a transmitter and a receiver)that
increases cost and complexity of the system. However, beam
swinging requires pre-programming of the SAR system that
entails a time delay.
In connection with the ERS mission a system of alert lias been
implemented by ESA/Eurimage under the name of Earth Watch
ing. SAR operation is accomplished so that the user will have
processed data at disposal within 24 hours after request, orbit
configuration permits. RADARSAT International has estab
lished a similar system which also covers beam-swinging within
the wide coverage of 500 km. This will also be the case with
ENVISAT ASAR, although ‘only’ within a coverage of 400 km.
I have referred only to satellite SAR but airborne SAR are
equally useful. Polarimetric airborne SAR have been imple
mented with resolutions down to 2 metre (single look) in a swath
of 8 km, for instance.
Radar features
Two important features are the lay-over effect and shadowing.
The former stems from the fact that in essence a radar system is a
time measurement, i.e. the distance to a target is calculated from
the time lapse between emission and reception of a pulse. Thus,
there may be cases where an elevated target is ‘seen’ before a
lower target. A hill will therefore be seen as leaning towards the
radar. This is a general feature of systems with a small angle of
incidence such as ERS SAR with its 23° angle of incidence. It
may be corrected for by using a DEM, for instance.
In contrast, shadowing that is observed in hilly terrain by systems
with a large angle of incidence may not be corrected for except
when observing the hills from two or more directions which is
only feasible with airborne systems or by satellite systems with
two identical radar’s looking in opposite directions (and in that
case on a later orbit) or from a complementary satellite. Wishful
The interested reader may obtain detailed information on SLAR
and especially SAR in the book by C. Elaclii (1987).
Interferometric SAR - InSAR
Satellite SAR data may be used for interferometry as demon
strated with SEASAT and ERS data. The techniques is based on
raw SAR data that are acquired from the same area on different
passes, made possible since the repeated tracks normally will be
at a horizontal distance of for example hundred meters. The
techniques is based on comparing the phase of the return signals
acquired from repeated passes by so-called umvrapping. With a
coherent system of great frequency stability this is meaningful
even over very long time intervals - counted in hundreds of days,
as has been demonstrated. The teclmiques is basically based on
measurements in range so that the image that results constitutes a
diagram of fringes separated by half a wavelength in the across-
track direction DEM’s may be worked out with contours of
about 50 m. for instance. Detailed information about this appli
cation may be obtained from Zebker and Goldstein (1986), for
More importantly is perhaps the feature that materialises when
distances to the same target are determined by so-called three-
pass interferometiy. With one observation regarded the ‘master’
two interferograms are produced based on data from the other
two passes that normally will be at different positions and have
different look-angles. By comparing the two interferograms any
shift that may have occurred in the period between the observa
tions may be determined. This techniques does not require avail
ability of a DEM, since in principle one interferogram may be
regarded a DEM to which the other one is referred - after careful
registration to a fraction of a pixel.