Full text: Mapping without the sun

To establish a image Pyramid has two main ways :the first one, 
the multi-resolution data source automatically build the 
pyramids; the other one , the bottom of the pyramid data is the 
raw data, other layers of image data are collected from the 
bottom to build the pyramids. 
For the second method, it can be divided into two methods: 
Using the ratio to build the pyramids, forming more resolution 
levels. The other is based on a scale of the requirement to 
conduct a scale of the corresponding image data. 
3.3Visualization and query of image data 
1) Visualization of image data 
Image data’s display are the process of mapping a rectangular 
region images on the ground to a screen window scope . Image 
data in the database are geocoded, so it need establish 
corresponding relationships between geographical coordinates 
and screen coordinates during the visualization process. After 
coordinate conversion, we can visualize the images. The 
specific process is seen from figure 4. 
2) Inquiry of image data 
Inquiry is the basic functions of a database system , a good 
query mechanism will provide users with convenient 
information services ,it can enable users to extract information 
that they are concerned quickly from the large number of data. 
Inquiries of image data have spatial query, metadata inquiries, 
map index inquiries, inquiries View directly, content-based 
inquiries etc. 
3.4 Update the image data 
Because of detecting automatically updating technology 
information-based image texture and structure information the 
changes are still at the research stage. So currently adopt 
artificial manner to update the data. Because raster data 
modification and editing are very complex, it is commonly 
used the data in the data storage modules to replace whole to 
implement to update the data or database(used new data to 
replace the old data). Generally we do not add, delete, modify 
some local data in a data unit. All data which are used to be 
updated are already finished beforehand ,update the data or 
database is only a data replacement process. 
Currently production modes of spatial data are maps, and the 
situation is difficult to change. The USGS produce digital maps 
and orthograph with maps as units. Therefore, we update the 
data with maps as units. The new data are submitted as 
maps to a database once again. Using this method to make the 
data update has the virtue of low maintenance costs and high 
security performance. 
Fig4. Image data visualization algorithm flowchart 
This paper establishment a remote sensing image database 
system according to a project request in a city. Currently, this 
city’s image data is Quick Bird Panchromatic Remote sensing 
image data. Quick Bird satellite remote sensing was 
successfully launched on October 18, 2001 by the United 
States of Digital Earth (Digital Globe) company ,which is the 
current satellite remote sensing data acquisition highest level, 
its panchromatic image’s spatial resolution radio has reached 
0.61 meters. It is the highest-resolution radio commercial 
remote sensing images in the world currently. Quick Bird 
shoots more extensive area, compares with aviation 
Photogrammetry. Each image is nearly 300 square kilometers, 
cost is low, full color image data required only 20 dollar per 
square kilometer, mapping cycle is even shorter. In this paper, 
we use Panchromatic Remote sensing image data of a city 
Quick Bird which shot in 2006, adopt Visual C + + 6.0-based 
Oracle 9i city high-resolution remote sensing image database 
system. Introduce original image data and extract 
corresponding scale image data to establish the three-tier 
pyramid structure with using total and child database as the 
logical structure of image data. 
4.1 The basic function of image database 
A image database system on a city was built in this paper. Its 
main functions are the following : 
(1) Create image database. Create image project total and 
child database. 
(2) Input image data to the database. Single color images and 
a number of color images store function automatically.

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