Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

ireas 657 
ia 669 
is 685 
Simple classifiers of satellite data for hydrologic modelling 
R.S.Dray ton, T.R.E.Chidley & W.C. Collins 
The delineation and classification of inland wetlands utilizing fcir stereo imagery 
Stephen A.Estrin 
A hydrological comparison of Landsat TM, Landsat MSS and black & white aerial photography 717 
M.J.France & P.D.Hedges 
Application of remote sensing in hydromorphology for third world development: A resource 
development study in parts of Haryana (India) 
A. S. Jadhav 
Remote sensing of flow characteristics of the strait of Oresund 
Present state, changes and quality of Sologne and Brenne, two French large wetlands, studied 
with the MSS and TM Landsat data 
Michel Lenco & Jean-Pierre Dedieu 
The quantification of floodplain inundation by the use of LANDSAT and Metric Camera 
information, Belize, Central America 
S.T. Miller 
Remote sensing as a tool for assessing environmental effects of hydroelectric development in a 
remote river basin 
W. Murray Paterson & Stewart K. Sears 
Environmental assessment for large scale civil engineering projects with data of DTM and remote 
Taichi Oshima, At sushi Rikimaru, Youichi Kato & Masaharu Nakamura 
Sea surface temperature studies in Norwegian coastal areas using AVHRR- and TM thermal 
infrared data 
Satellite data in aquatic area research: Some ideas for future studies 
Jouko T.Raitala 
Analysis of Landsat multispectral-multitemporal images for geologic-lithologic map of the 
Bangladesh Delta 
Water quality monitoring of Lake Balaton using LANDSAT MSS data 
H.Shimoda, M.Etaya, T. Sakata, L.Goda & K.Stelczer 
Determination of spectral signatures of natural water by optical airborne and shipbome 
D.Spitzer & M.R. Wemand 
Classification of bottom composition and bathymetry of shallow waters by passive remote sensing 775 
D.Spitzer & R. W.J.Dirks

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