Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

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affects of 
ikelihood of 
different variables to predict bird species 
numbers, bird abundance and bird species 
diversity. Unfortunately there has yet to be 
any agreement. This makes any investigations 
using air photographs more difficult. Of the 
tests carried out a possible relationship was 
identified between area of woodland and 
number of breeding species. No estimates 
could be made concerning species abundance, 
the type of species actually breeding or 
their distribution in the woodland. However, 
the results are not totally negative, 
suggesting prediction may still be possible. 
The next stage of this research will be to 
look at all the variables which have been 
identified in the literature in woodland bird 
population studies and to investigate how 
many of these variables can be obtained from 
air photographs. It may then be possible to 
combine equations using suitable variables. 
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woods". Biological Conservation, 
sion in the 
¡fulness of 

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