n (HIS)
ionic Information
data of an
i nature)
Lon Unit: Planning
5. district, agro-
lirements, avai-
and cost of
>od requirements,
le budgets
ileal profiles
Major Software
.and Resource
igrated Rural
are used for
vide statistical
alyze and create
support 3 - D
splay the
aster file
oduce dot matrix
reate, edit and
of the CRIES
community and
' e a , i . e . , a
ve district,
al orientation
in GIS and AIS
th systems is
taining short
and 3). The
s between the
selectable map scaling options in x and y
direction increase two-dimensional accuracy
of dot matrix printer maps, and increase
printer compatibility.
provides water balance analysis
with minimal data requirements (*)
provideswaterbalancemodeling (**)
provides yield prediction for
selected locations or agro-
ecological zones
conducts single enterprise analysis
conducts multiple enterprise
analysis for multiple time periods
optimizes objective function using
linear programming
support economic input/output
analysis (**)
provides experimental design, data
analysis and data management for
agronomic research experiments
[NOTE: AIS modules not yet available for MSDOS are
identified by (*) and AIS modules under development
by («•).]
Figure 3. Main Screen Menu of the CRIES Agro
economic Information System.
This section describes the Geographic
Information System (GIS) component of the
Comprehensive Resource Inventory and
Evaluation System (CRIES) - Resource
Information System (RIS) as modified for IBM,
Model AT micro-computers using the MS-DOS
operating system. The CRIES-GIS provides the
capability to store, edit and process digital
map data and creates the master data base
(disk files) for subsequent analysis. The
various phases are used to input, retrieve,
combine, statistically analyze, overlay,
modify and display the results in the
form of various statistical summaries or
computer maps. Typical products include area
measurements and displays of single map
attributes or combinations at various map
The IBM-AT (or compatible MS-DOS micros)
Version 6.0 requires only 256K of RAM, is
menu-driven, supports a data base of 65,535
rows by 65,535 columns (the individual
information cells), multiple attributes
(information layers) with attribute values
(or classes) of 1 to 65,535, depending on the
user-selected bit field. The system requires
the 80286 processor and uses the 80287 co
processor to accelerate mathematical
operations where available. However, a 8088
(with optional 8087) (IBM -XT) processor
may be used if lower processing speeds are
acceptable. The digitizing is supported using
the TECMAR color graphics master board. The
software minimizes data storage requirements
through the use of, user-se1ectab1e, bit-
fields based on the complexity of map
attributes. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or 16 bit
fields). The bit size selected (2 to the n.th
power - 1, in which n = bit size) determines
the number of attribute values per attribute.
For instance, for n = 8, 256-1 attributes
values may be represented (for n = 16 , 65536
-1). A standard, 80 or 132-column printer is
required to generate the output for selected
phases and computer printer maps. The more
attractive maps generated by the Choroline
phase require an EPSON, 80 or 132 column, or
compatible, dot matrix printer. User-
Overview of CRIES- GIS Modules, Phase and
An short descriptive overview of the CRIES-
GIS, which comprises 7 major modules, 30
phases and 8 sub-phases, is provided, below:
The CRIES-GIS-INPUT module, used for primary
data manual or electronic data entry,
verification and editing, consists of 4
phases and 2 sub-phases :
1. EDITCELL - permits geocoding and editing
of a raster file
2. DIGITIZE - converts analog map data Into
digital form using an X-Y digitizing tablet
2.1 MONODIG - this sub-phase permits low
resolution, monochrome digitizing
2.2 COLORDIG - this sub-phase permits
high resolution, color digitizing
3. POLYFILL - converts converts polygon data
created by DIGITIZE into a raster file
4. CUTTER - uses existing raster files to cut
outline boundaries into overlapping raster
The CRIES-GIS-STATISTICS module, used to
provide statistical summaries of raster
files, consists of 3 phases :
1. HISTGRAM - provides a frequency table and
a histogram from a single raster file
2. TALLY - calculates summary statistics for
a user-specified rectangular subwindow of a
single or multiple raster files
3. CROSSTAB - creates a crosstabu 1 ation of
two or more raster files of up to 255
attribute values
The CRIES-GIS-ANALYSIS module, used to
analyze raster files, consists of 7 phases :
1. EROSION - calculates erosion rates using
the Universal Soil Loss Equation using user-
specified variable weights
2. GROUP - groups ranges of attribute values
into user-selected single values using single
or multiple raster files
3. INVERT - inverts the range of attribute
values in a raster file
4. MATCH - creates new attribute values for
user-specified co-occurrences of existing
attribute values of multiple files
5. N0RMALIZ - normalizes the range of
attribute values based on user-defined limits
6. OVERLAY - permits weighted and unweighted
overlay analysis of attribute values of
corresponding grid cells with optional
overriding values
7. SEARCH - permits proximity analysis from
points, lines and areas
The CRIES-GIS-TERRAIN module, used to support
three-dimensional terrain analysis, consists
of 2 phases:
1. SURFCELL - creates a trend surface in the
form of a raster file using X, Y, Z point
data as input
2. SURFAREA - (under development) creates a
trend surface in the form of a raster file
using area data as input. This phase permits
via the use of sub phases calculation of
slope gradient, slope length and orientation.
The CRIES-GIS-DISPLAY module,used to display
the contents of raster files in the form of
character maps or digital form, consists of
three phases: