Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Vol. 2)

e stressed, how- 
ysis of the to- 
e detailed geo 
features of 
te sensing ima- 
ove, a net of 
bility, orienta- 
display the 
re ten to twen- 
might be dis- 
t local ones. 
regular longer 
n of about 70 , 
still less dis- 
• 6A/. 
\e lineaments 
>rainic plateaux 
looording to 
itration zone, 
sion zone. 
[tense area - 
slize. Numerous 
’ mostly the 
ids. That is why 
:awy area has 
iite the looal 
■entiation in 
d the results 
d an estimation 
all the linea- 
luation of the 
imuths as well 
referred orien- 
en the visibi- 
or azimuth in 
eaux. Prom the 
eament pattern, 
s / 0-10° and 
in lineaments 
¿ulawy/ have 
of lineaments 
t£l0° with the 
rated for stati- 
s local varia- 
north: - in sea 
ashubian pla- 
cally in the 
ticed - in ge- 
ends of linea- 
ity of the li- 
he character of 
tion. It could 
hemselves as 
in the whole 
an not be re- 
se of their 
re only the 
re and fault 
Figure 7. Landsat lineaments in relation to relief 
features in: A - top surface of Cretaoeous series: 
i -lineaments, 2 -contours of surface /in m b.s.l./, 
3 -boundary of morainic plateau; B - substratum 
relief of Quaternary: 1 -lineaments, 2 -contours of 
substratum surface /in m b.s.l./, 3 -boundary of mo 
rainic plateau. 
disintegration of the brittle carbonate series of Up 
per Cretaceous , seems to be responsible for the ori 
gin of the lineaments. This observed occurence of ma 
ny small lineaments suggest that the fracture /of 
exactly this - not deeper - stratigraphical horizon/ 
have been projected onto the recent surface. The grea 
ter the depth - the smaller the chance of projection 
of small densely packed structures onto the surface. 
There could ocour, however, an influence of the 
deeper dislocations on the Upper Cretaoeous tectonic 
pattern and on that of lineaments. Possibly - it 
refers to some few faults and lineaments correspond 
ing to them, displaying the distinct trends and gene 
rating the block style of tectonios of the region. 
The blocking structure of the area corresponds both 
to the lineament pattern and to the geological data. 
It seems to be responsible e.g. for the different 
oharaoter of Cretaceous surface and sub-Quatemary 
surface reliefs of the areas east- and westwards from 
the submeridional lineament which outs into a half 
•••■' “ 3 
Figure 8. Landsat lineaments in relation to salinity 
of ground waters /after Kozerski and Kwaterkiewioz 
1984/: A - in the Cretaceous aquifer, B - in Pleisto 
cene aquifer; 1 -lineaments, 2 -contour lines of 
ohlorine ion content in ppm, 3 -boundary of morainic 
the teritory between the rivers - Vistula and Nogat 
It is also important that both the zones of this 
lineament and its vioinity display the highest sali 
nity of the underground waters in the Cretaoeous car 
bonate sediments /Fig.8A/. The maximum salinity 
/above lOOOmg/dcni Cl / corresponds at the same time 
to the area of maximum lineament density. 
Some similar relations might be also observed as it 
concerns the salinity ooeffioient of the Pleistocene 
aquifer /Fig,8B/ - it falls also between two main 
rivers - Vistula and Nogat. 
The sandy horizon of Cenomanian thins out eastwards 
in the same zone too, what together with the prece 
ding observations suggest a tectonic significance of 
the disoussed zone at least from Cretaoeous, or possi 
bly - from even earlier time. 
The first order block structure seems to be accom 
panied with the blocking of the seoond order seen as 
moderate uplifts and downwarps, the big part of which 
might remain in coincidence with the main lineament

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