geological map /Pig,7/ the parallel displacement of
the lineaments corresponding faults might be observed.
The faot itself can be explained in a different way,
namelyj 1 - only a part of the really existing faults
has been reoognized and drawn on the geologioal map,
2 - the faults could have displayed different chara
cter i.e. an interpreted fault might be only an idea
lized image of the wider zone of parallel fault pla
nes, only one of which reaches the surface, 3 -several
parallel faults oould accompany the main one on the
surface as the traces of the seoond order faults, an
tithetic faults etc., 4 -in the interval from the deep
horizon up to the present surfaoe there oould have
oocured a refraction of the fault surfaoe due to the
ohanges in lithology what has affeoted an inclination
of the fault plane and finally resulted in different
location of the traces of this plane in the different
stratigraphic horizons and recent surface as well.
In the NE side of the Kock horst anticline there
occurs a distinct trend of the Landsat lineaments pa
rallel to the main fault of the structure under dis-
oussion and their shifting north-eastwards /Pig.7/.
Since the seismic data interpretation /Zeliohowski
1972/ suggests possibility of NE inclination of the
whole Kook horst anticline it is not to be excluded
that the parallel "shifting" might reflect this asym
metry. Discussion ooncerns the faults seen beneath
800m below the present surface. Taking such an inter
pretation into acoount the fault surface under discus
sion would be Inclined /dipped 60°SW/.
It must be repeated here that the coincidence bet
ween geological recognition of the interpreted area
in the different regions and Landsat lineament pat
terns increases with the better geological recogni
tion. That is why the remote sensing Landsat linea
ments pattern in the region south-westwards from the
Kock horst anticline /i.e. in Stoozek-Dorohuoza de
pression distinctly worse recognized/ does not corre
spond to the hitherto proposed Palaeozoic fault model.
It seems to be possible that in this region Landsat
lineaments correspond to the deformations caused by
the younger Alpine movements, whioh have not reached
Palaeozoic horizon. Still since the geological infor
mation might be not complete the disoussion there has
rather academic character.
The observed fact that the satellite lineaments
distinctly correspond to the changes of coal-potential
in the discussed depression seems to be, however, one
of the most interesting/Fig.13/.
Basing on the ooincidenoe of the main satellite li
neaments and coal-potential isolines, as well as those
transversal ones which reflect the shifting and direc
tional ohanges of these isolines it might be suggested
that sedimentary Carboniferous trough was already af
fected by long-active, synsedimentary movements.
Landsat lineaments suggest that also Stoczek-Doro-
hucza depression might be stronger faulted them it re
sults from the present structural map. The proposed
interpretation of the remote sensing data applied to
the coal basin recognition demands, however, to be
checked in the further geologioal recognition of ooal
As it seen from the faots above a distinct coincidence
between Toros radar lineaments, satellite Landsat ones
and the geologioal structure of ICB ocours. Radar li
neaments seem to be connected with not deep-lying
structural horizon /the top surface of brittle Mesozo
ic and Lower Tertiary sediments/ and might have some
significance for the further geologioal recognition
of the oap rocks of the coal-bearing sediments.
Prom the other side Landsat lineaments correspond to
the geological structure of the Palaeozoic series
whioh oontains the coal-bearing sediments. Such the
relation is so distinct that basing on the standard
geological methods and the remote sensing techniques
a creation of a certain model of the structure of the
Figure 13. Landsat lineament pattern and coal-poten
tial ohanges* 1 -lineaments, 2 -coal-potential isoli
nes Aindly was made available by Zdanowski and Porzy-
cki in 1983/.
area might be postulated. Such the model might be -
in particular - in case of Lublin coal basin quickly
checked and verified due to the progressive develop
ment of the black-coal deposit.
In general - the model itself - can be applied to
improve the geological recognition of the other coal
basins with a comparable geological setting.
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Kenozoik Lubelskiego Zaglqbia Wqglowego. Lublin,
UMCS, p. 41-6*1. - /In Polish only/.
Malinowski, J. &J.E.Mojski 1978. Arlcusz Lublin. Mapa
Geologiczna Polski 1;200 000 /Sheet Lublin. The Geo
logical Map of Poland, 1:200 000/, Warszawa,Inst.
Geol. - /Explanation in Polish only/.
Mojski, J.E. 1968. Arkusz luk6w. Mapa Geologiczna Pol
ski 1:200 000 /Sheet Iuk6w. The Geological Map of
Poland, 1; 200 000/. Warszawa Inst.Geol. /Explana
tion in Polish only/.
Ryka, W. 1983. Map of ore mineralization signs in cry
stalline basement rocks 1;500 000. In Atlas of the
geological structure and mineral deposits in the Lu
blin region, Table 39. Warszawa, Inst.Geol.
¿elichowski, A.M. 1972. Rozw6j budowy geologicznej ob-
szaru mi^dzy Gdrami Swiqtokrzyskimi i Bugiem /Eng
lish summary; Evolution of the geologioal structure
of the area between the G6ry Swiqtokrzyskie and the
river Bug/. Bull.IG, 263. Warszawa, Inst.Geol.
Zelichowski, A.M. 1983. Tectonic map 1:500 000. In At
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