After 1986 the MEIS II sensor and
operations facility were transferred to the private
sector (Innotech Aviation Enterprises Limited of
Montreal) where it is now being operated
commercially (Till, 1987). Since becoming
available for general use in 1983 demand for data
from the MEIS sensor has been high for a variety
of resource applications. Forestry agencies were
early users of the system and have been and
continue to be major users (Neville and Till, 1989).
The MEIS imager uses the "pushbroom"
scanning approach to image the earth’s surface. A
linear multi-element array detector is located in
the focal plane of an imaging lens. The distant
scene is focused onto the array, and the signals
generated by each element of the array are
electronically sampled and digitized, to produce a
line image in digital format of the scene below.
As the aircraft moves forward, a new line is
imaged and sampled, and as this process
continues, two-dimensional imagery is built up, the
aircraft motion providing the scanning in the
forward direction. The spectral content of the
imaged scene is selected by means of an optical
filter placed in front of the lens.
MEIS II has eight spatially registered
imaging spectral channels, and incorporates
sophisticated real-time processing to provide
geometric and radiometric corrections to the output
imagery. The digital imagery, navigation and
system data are recorded on tape, for post-flight
analysis and precision production. The system
specifications are discussed in detail in a variety
of papers ( McColl et al, 1984; Till et al., 1986a;
Till et aL, 1986b).
The results of applications in forestry
using the MEIS II sensor have generated
considerable interest in the potential of a MEIS-
based airborne system for forestry applications on
an operational basis. As a result, plans are being
developed to design and manufacture a new MEIS
system (MEIS FM) for forestry operation (Neville
and Till, 1989). The user requirements for the
advanced linear array imager have been generated
and system specifications have been prepared and
matched to the operational survey needs of
forestry agencies.
MEIS FM (Multispectral Electro-Optical
Imaging Sensor for Forestry and Mapping) will be
a high resolution multispectral imager based on
state-of-the-art linear array and high resolution
optics designed specifically for the requirements of
the forestry and mapping industries.
The major components of the MEIS FM
system, from data acquisition to product and
information system interface, include the airborne
system, the real-time processor/display and the
ground processor. The later is being developed as
a high performance data processing, analysis and
map generation system based on a supercomputer
and capable of producing stereo images, digital
elevation models and topographic maps.
3.3 FLI History and Description
The FLI (Florescence Line Imager), which
is based on linear array technology similar to that
of the MEIS sensor was developed by Moniteq Ltd.
of Concord, Ontario in conjunction with Itres Ltd.
of Calgary, Alberta for the Department of
Fisheries and Oceans. The FLI system, also
known as the Programmable Multispectral Imager
(PMI) due to its unique ability to reconfigure its
spectral bands, is a programmable imaging
spectrometer and line imager that has been
operating for various research studies since 1984.
In 1986 a two year loan of the FLI to Moniteq
was arranged, and this company has since made
the instrument commercially available to remote
sensing users (Gower, 1988).
The FLI system evolved from a need to
monitor ecological effects in lakes and coastal
waters, and for determining water quality. This
was accomplished by designing a system which
could image ocean chlorophyll fluorescence and
spectral reflectance change in water caused by
phytoplankton (Hollinger et al., 1987).
The FLI is an imaging spectrometer that
makes use of a two-dimensional multi-element
array of detectors in the focal plane of a dispersive
optical system. Light from a swath line on the
ground is collected by the objective lens, dispersed
by a grating into a spectrum, and focused onto the
array. The across-track spatial information falls
along one dimension, and spectral information
from each pixel is registered along the other
dimension. The system can operate in two modes.
In the "spatial mode", the system can perform high
spatial resolution mapping by forming pushbroom
images in 8 spectral bands. Alternatively in the
"spectral mode", the system can provide low spatial
resolution mapping in 288 spectral bands, with 40
pixels located across the swath.
3.4 CASI History and Description
More recently the CASI (Compact Airborne
Spectrographic Imager) system has been developed
by Itres Ltd. as a downsized version of the FLI
system. The CASI system is a personal computer
sized second generation instrument which is
flexible and portable. The real time display and
data review on the instrument itself allows for
easy checks of data quality, and combined with
processing on personal computers facilitates rapid
turnaround of data (Borstad et al., 1989).
A unique feature of the CASI "spectral"
mode is a co-registered monochromatic spatial
image acquired at the same time as the spectral
data. This image, termed the ‘track recovery