Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Communication to 
VIII International Congress for Photogrammetry 
Reprint from 
Svensk Lantmateritidskrift 
Congress Number 1956 
DEN IN THE PERIOD 1952—1955 
Communication from the Swedish Society of Photogrammetry through 
G. Galvenius 
A. Introduction 
Photogrammetric methods have in the last four years been increas 
ingly applied in Sweden in various fields. Private enterprises are 
adopting aerial photogrammetry for a considerably extending produc 
tion of photogrammetric pictures and maps. Aerial photogrammetry is 
also becoming more commonly used by some public services with tech 
nical activity. A public photogrammetry commission has during the 
period submitted a proposal for the production and supply of photo 
grammetric pictures and maps, including also some reorganization of 
the Geographical Survey Office (see [87] and [74]). 
Non-topographic photogrammetry has become of great importance 
especially to forestry. The Committee of Forest Photogrammetry has 
been reorganized into a permanent committee charged with the task of 
performing research in forestry photogrammetry and of promoting the 
use of photogrammetry in forestry. 
The numbers given in the following account refer to the annexed list 
of the literature on Swedish photogrammetry published during the 
B. Institutions mainly producing Air Photogrammetric Pictures 
and Maps 
The Geographical Survey Office 
The Purposes for which Photogrammetry is used. Most flights for 
mapping and similar purposes in Sweden are made by the Geographical 
Survey Office. The resulting photographs are used by the Geographical 
Survey Office itself or by other public or private institutions producing

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