Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

irs j—— 1, 
both the 
n +1 
1 in this 
tria XII, 
to the se- 
, With the 
ads us to 
a relative 
and then, putting p— — 
- A, =— — 
4 g? 
72 2 
As =] A es = + —1 + = A, m- Srl 
Z d? 4d? 
where the angular elements, expressed in radians, have been multiplied 
by the base b in order to get quantities of the same dimension of the 
linear elements by, bz. 
The optical-mechanical method followed for the relative orientation 
reveals that the parameters bz bo are not correlated with the other 
elements of relative orientation. 
9. — 2. Weight symbol of B;. 
Starting from the formula (19) of Roelofs’ paper 
Qp = i (Q =r Q.’) (1) 
Z i 
and following Roelofs indieations we have 
Qu = — h Qe d: Qu 
Qz' T — [n + 7 
b) Le, a Quz 
= Q' 5 

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