Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

ngulation with a 
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Ytical tria. 
may be followed, de 
'e developed at the 
vith respect to à Tectangulay 
he X, Y and Z CO-Ordinates 
t+1 in a strip are the hag: 
a photograph are computed 
s of the X, Y and 7 System 
orientation, rays from CO 
two Corresponding image 
ys and must thug Jie in one 
m 0 
ition equation of this kind, 
ue for the base component 
graph i+1 are the hag 
+1. The co-ordinates X, T 
cal length: 
a (2) 
es of the photograph axes 
he sines and cosines of the 
ar in the five elements of 
cal operations of addition, 
atical operation must be 
solve linear equations. The 
the elements of relative 
OW be substituted by cw 
is (2) by substitution oi 
> validity of the equation. 
ds, y about the Y-axis and 
tion then gives: 
Z X X; Y; Y, Zi 
; ; . byi+t + . bzi+1 + y = (3) 
Ba Xa ips Yi, Ya f 
This differentiated equation is a first order approximation. In its co-efficients occur 
oximate values of the elements of relative orientation. Five equations (3) obtained 
A pairs of corresponding points, are now solved. This results in improved ap- 
Em e Two of these: byi+1 an bzi+1 follow immediately from the equations. The 
rr dw, dp and dx however are corrections that must be applied about the X, ¥ and 
7 axes. After these corrections the direction-cosines l, m and n of the 
found by multiplying the determinant of direction-cosines for the a 
by the determinant of direction-cosines for the corrections: 
photograph axes are 
pproximate rotations 
Di+1 — peoeorr. 193 
Initial approximations may be chosen arbitrarily such as equal to zero or equal to the 
values obtained in the preceding model. Improved approximations are computed with the 
equations (2), (3) and (4). These are in their turn substituted into the equ 
process is repeated until the corrections obtained are sufficiently small. 
The first computed set of approximations of the rotations is generally accurate within 
a degree. The second set is then accurate within a few minutes. This accuracy is sufficient 
io start the adjustment of the relative orientation. 
The relative orientation is adjusted using the condition equations for all pairs of cor- 
responding points. The adjustment follows the method of least squares. The points may 
be chosen in any desired position in the model. At present up to 15 points may be used. 
Equation (1) must now also be differentiated with respect to the pla 
This results in additional terms in equation (3) 
ations. This 
te co-ordinates. 
. Putting these in the second part, this reads: 
bx by bzi bx byi bi, 
=— by, Ma, Ny, . dac, — bs m, ny, .d % 
X Y5 | Zi pa Xi; i Yh 2341 
bx byi bai ba byi bzi 
— X, Y; Z; . dw; 1 T X, Y Z, . dy ia (5) 
mi j lj mi ni 
Fors A i : l Vi 1 ml, xii 
Following the procedure of Professor J. M. TIENSTRA in the paper ‘An Extension 
of the Technique of the Method of Least Squares to Correlated Observations” published 
in the “Bulletin Géodésique" 1947, 6, pages 301—335, the second part of the equation may 
be regarded as a correction to be given to a single observed quantity. 
In each equation the co-ordinates of only one pair of corresponding points occur. There- 
fore, assuming no correlation between the co-ordinate readings of non-corresponding points, 
the “observed” quantity in any one equation is not correlated with the "observed" quantity 
in any other equation. 
Assuming further non-correlation between the four co-ordinate readings of a pair 
of corresponding points, the weight of an "observed" quantity is inversely proportional to 
the sum of the squares of the four determinants in the second part of (5). In the case 
of nearly vertical photography with one of the photograph axes roughly parallel to the 
base, as is nearly always the case, the value of this sum is approximately equal to 2 b2/2 
and independent of the position of the points and the orientation of the model. Since 
light changes in weight have little or no appreciable effect on the result of an adjustment, 
the Weights may here all be chosen equal. 

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