from the curve for Super XX corrected to These results emphasize the necessity o
eye sensitivity with a Wratten 13 filter. calibrating air survey cameras by a pro.
Image shifts between these two wave- cedure which closely simulates conditigy
lengths were then read from the curves of of use. The error investigated here arg,
Figure 2 and plotted to give the compari- primarily from the visual test procedi, RIKE
son curve in Figure 4. having the wrong chromatic sensitivity
This procedure is only a rough approxi- It is also highly probable that similar
mation to the theoretically correct one errors would arise from other departurs
which would require emulsion character- from normal conditions of use.
istic curve data for all wave-lengths and
complicated integration. However, the
agreement between the two curves is
sufficient to confirm that the differences
found between the two salibration proce: Measuring their Resolution, [image Hume
dures can be attributed chiefly to the nation, and Veiling Glare.
chromatic differences of distortion of the 2, Carman, P. D., “Control and Interferometri;
* lens as seen by two spectrally different Measurement of Plate Flatness," J.O.SA
receivers. 45, 1009-1010, 1955. |
1. International Society of Photogrammetry
Commission I, Specification of Methods oi
Calibrating Photogrammetric Cameras ay
Reprinted from
Printed in France. — CHAIX, Paris. — 2176-TT-6-56.