Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

The symbols on the left side of the equations have the following definitions: 
[dx] = doy; + dogs + dagg + day, + dag, (19) 
[dy] — dy,, * dy,s + dyzz + dys, + dys (20) 
Ng, = — dyız — dyı5s + dy, t dy; — dz,, + days — das, + dugg (21) 
Nyy = — dY11 t dy,g — dg, t dygy - dz,, F dz, — da, — dag (22) 
Ng; — + dY11 — dijs — dyg, t dygg + dogg + dogg + day, + day, (23) 
Ng, = + dyyy + dys + dys, + dys + doy — dogg — dag, + digg (24) 
The solution of the normal equations gives the corrections of the elements of orientation: 
[dæ] (202+/2) — 4a? 4 5f2 
a ia TN USO 5 
[dy] (2a? 4- f?) da? + sf? 
ET Nr go 
dz, = — Ny; 5 en 
dx = — Ny, Sah (28) 
[dx] BNSV f 
dp = (t TR Lait. 29) 
T [dy] T 
unu utm G9 
Hence, all corrections of the elements of orientation are expressed as direct functions 
of the measured coordinate errors dx and dy. 
After developing the expressions (25)—(30) according to the definitions (19) — (24) 
and applying the special law of error propagation we obtain the weight numbers as the 
square sum of the coefficients of dx and dy: 
8at + 5f4 + 8a2f2 
QS, mean Ere (31) 
Qn T ET (32) 
Vn = Saiz G9) 
Qo» m Qoo: dalli (34) 
The correlation numbers are obtained as the product sums of the coefficients of 
corresponding errors dx and dy: 
Qu» =Q a Anh (5f? + 4a2) (35) 

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