Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

with maximum care the smooth movement of the secondary axis even though this 
is not used for the recording. 
[n cenclusion, the numercus tests made show that in the rapid vibrations is the 
greatest danger for the precision of the indications and therefore the necessity cf 
most carefully studying the elastic anti-vibrating suspension of the instrument, Fg 
all the other perturb vations the results were truly encouraging especially when consic lering 
that the instruments tested belong to a standard series, not having taken particular 
circumspectio in besides the usual accuracy of construction and mounting that is habitually 
used in instruments of this type. A certain tendency of the perturbaticns to increase 
with the greater value of the tilts assumed by the support of the gyroscopes confirms 
that the most brilliant results are to be awaited for by eventually using this system 
cf recording applied to cameras « prestabilized » in which, that is, the tilts have 
been almost completely compensated. 
In any case the tests, which were many rigorous, have permitted the perfectioning 
cf the test norms, both partial and final, of the gyroscopes that are to be used 
for this purpose and that will aim to obtain a product always nearer to that perfection 
which is sought. 
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