Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

In point 3 of fig. 2 the ray from the left picture will cause the linear 
distortion dry, and the ray from the right picture the linear distortion 
dro (compare fig. 1). 
We define a y-parallax as 
Pa Vi (1) 
where y» and y; are the y-coordinates of the projections of correspon- 
ding rays from the right and left pictures respectively. 
1. The influence upon the relative orientation 
From fig. 2 we immediately obtain the y-parallax Pys in point 3 due 
to the distortion as 
d (2) 
= ET d? dra — dr, 
For simplicity we will use the notation p, for the y-parallax caused 
by the distortion according to (2). 
l'rom the symmetry of the points 3—6 we find immediately 
d (3) 
= P= Vb = de dro — dr, — p. 
The influence of the y-parallaxes in the points 3—6 upon the ele- 
ments of the relative orientation was derived in [3]. 
We find for independent pairs of pictures 
h : (4) 
dei — a 0 D 
PED, = 0p 
h (5) 
dey = 2bd (Py Pos) 
and for dependent pairs of pictures 
h (6) 
demo De Po pid pg 
h (7) 
dba m adn Py) 
Only these elements of the relative orientation will beco:ne influen- 
ced by the distortion under the assumed conditions. 
From (4) — (7) and (3) we find for independent pairs 
h (8) 
du = Tip 
" bdP« 
h (9) 
des = bd Pa 

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