Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

From (13) or (14) we can express the model elevation errors dh,— 
dhz in the control points 1—3. Then we can solve the equation system 
(16) and express the errors of the elements of the absolute orientation 
as direct functions of the radial distortion quantity Pr 
Finally, the model elevation errors will be the sum of the expres- 
sions (13) or (14) and the expression (15) written as a correction 
equation in which the results of the solution of expression (16) are sub- 
stituted. The direct influence of the distortion must of course also be 
taken into account. 
4. Example 
We will briefly demonstrate the procedure for three control points in 
assumed locations. 
We assume the following control points 
x, = 0 (17 a) 
Yi LI d 
X9 —0 (17 b) 
Ya = -—d 
X3 — b (17. €) 
ya = 0 
From (13) and (17) we find: 
dh; = dhy = dh; = — S (2h? + b2)p, 
and then from (16) the error 
dh = ue oy, qa 
2 b?d 
From (15) we then find the corrections to all model points 
h ; 
dh — —— (2h? 4- b2)p, 
The final influence upon the model elevation is the sum of the ex- 
pressions (13) and (19). 
Hence we find 
2h 20) 
dh = — — (x2 — bx)p, oy 
b2d . 
Exactly the same expression will be found if the expression (14) is 
treated in the same manner. 
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