hi i
abs. 1
E in
á a
i LE
= - — eJ oslng man,
Fig. 18
óx and dy from equations (6a) and (6b) represent the projection errors with respect in
the cross. As the measurement is done with the illuminated floating mark, which has à
fixed position, we have to consider
the final projection errors 0x, and ôyp obtained wie
measuring with the illuminated floating mark. We get from fig. 18
0Xp = OX + 02 ctg (50— 5)
ÖXp = €; tate f+ ctg (50 —
ctg (50— ; )
+ € sin 50 —
cos a
+ € tes + cig (50
+a, cos 50 — 5) sf + ———
óyp — 0
/ — sin (50— 5) tg — cos 50|
à ctg (50 — 5
— cos 50 — : — — — sin 50
sin (50—)
To get an idea about the magnitude of these errors we will compute a table of fk
factors e, for a = ß = --30£, providing maximum values.
| ox | X, | dy | óz
e, | +0.38 | +185 | +0.15 | +05
e; | --0.58 | 70401 — | +0.33
€ | — 0.11 | +115 | m
e | +039 | — 2.12 | — | +0.06
As an example it may be assumed e, = e, = e, — e, = +0,01 mm. The final prot
ion errors are then xp = —0,2 u;
oyp = 0.
; Gimbal axis
The situati
gxiliary syste
uations (1).
The total ]
times enlarged
hundles of ray
Note: Err
çà Weele [1]
mean square
Due to the
«ble to separat
tom the ones i
i the cross. Wi
(he) (this 0Z ap
more, an error
Fig. 19