Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

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issue No. 6 of 
y to distinguish 
nish; it cannot, 
iable among the 
sion are in fad 
le on which the 
both terrestrial 
e plotters based 
anned measures 
mined categories 
nce; there is no 
mmetry, is more 
which are more 
with respect to 
s for the instru- 
n of the spatial 
plotters always 
th quasi-vertical 
vide-angle lenses 
few decades ag, 
, broader lateral 
come less conve 
» easily used anl 
r structure. 
] more than ui 
ine tool field I 
lesign à machine 
"om the tendent] 
each firm keeps 
to its own fundamental principle on which it has based the development of its own 
«T personally, convinced by my more than thirty years' experience as 
uer of photogrammetric plotters, do not believe that one single princi 
al the practical and economic problems of photogrammetry, 
must be the most suitable type of plotter 
oll the desired benefits. 
“It is on these concept that I have based my 
ments, as follows. 
a designer and 
ple can resolve 
but rather that there 
for every requirement, in order to achieve 
new and definitive instrument develop- 
“For precision : 
A. Of the first order: 
1) Photostereograph, model Beta/2, an au 
oscopic binocular viewing system, 
2) Photocartograph, model V, an 
double projection principle. 
B. Of the second order: 
3) Photomultiplex model D III, based 
C. Of the third order: 
4) Stereographometer model 90 with stereoscopic binocular viewing system, equip- 
ped with spatial pantograph, a plotter to be used for the quick plotting of 
photographs assumed as taken with the vertical axis, or rectified with the aid 
of the nadiral point photo-rectifier (when the position of this point is recorded 
on the photograph). 
tographic universal plotter with a stere. 
based on the Porro-Koppe principle. 
autographic plotter based on the direct optical 
on the direct optical double projection 
There is no need for me to dwell on the Photo V and D III pl 
drect optical double projection principle, as they are w 
fiient that I point out the advantages to be derived from them, as to precision and prac- 
liality of use, by the application of the new electro-magnetic transmissions, with which 
thas been possible to give them capabilities that are properly those of large plotters 
"hou seriously compromising that peculiar characteristic that distinguishes them, 
deir simplicity. 
otters, based on the 
ell known by now. It will be suf- 
“But, since these transmissions and the new single control system for the exploring 
movement of the measuring mark in the plane « 
of horizontalization are also common to 
le Photostereograph Beta, I will speak of them 
in the summary description of my new 
Witer, whose principal characteristics deserve à special mention. 
The Photostereograph Beta is a new instrument and it may seem to some people that 
Is appearance constitutes a renunciation, if only a partial one, on my part of the direct 
tical double projection principle which I’ve upheld for so many years, so much so that 
Irmme i$ inseparably linked with it; but this is not so, and what I've said and will say 
iil serve to dissipate all doubts on the matter. Furthermore the principle of the direct 
ical double projection has furnished so many proofs of the precision attainable with 
Isruments of a truly exceptionally simple design that there is no need, on my part, for 
iurther defense one that would be, as always, convinced and passionate. 
The fact that I pursued the development of a universal plotter with a stereoscopic bino- 
tar viewing system is nothing new, because it will be remembered that at the IV Inter- 
tonal Congress of Photogrammetry held in Paris in 1934 — more than 20 years ago, 
i i — I presented the first model of the Photostereograph, from which the current 
Map model is derived, the latter's appearance much delayed because of the post-war 
Tiles through Which the industry of my country has passed. 
(Ny “Photogrammetric” conscience, therefore, can be considered as most tranquil, 
Halse there has béen no renunciation but only the fulfillment of a programm which 

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