Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

re TE ES 
«T do not intend, naturally, to deny, with these considerations, the Opportunity 
need to seek maximum precision in photogrammetric plotters of any order T eG 
I intend to prevent the rise of false interpretations as to the possibilities i, 
the photogrammetric method, possibilities which are nonetheless very advanced Wy 
ready satisfactory as regards all the economic considerations. © a 
“What is important in the work of photogrammetry is to produce the very best 
graphical maps for use in engineering or cadastral work, or to know the terrain La 
or for any and all purposes, with a financial yield reasonable in relation to the e 
for which the maps were made, all this in accord with the concept that the Pen 
metric method must always be regarded in its operational aspect, since photogrammet 
is, above all, an applied science”. seu 
I have finished. Please excuse me if the general tone of my address may have gee 
polemic, though this was not my intention. On the other hand I would haye fall 
observe the aims of our Congress if I had not presented some of my ideas ang opi 
derived from an experience so long that it is practically identical with my life itself, : 
OMI - Ufficio Commerciale 
1956 (1800) 

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