Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

da iei d ti 
Maii a i da 
tt EEE BEE ea 
= A ch sr E. ; = T da 
p, = dy, dy, = c (SY, dy,,) bda, + (x b) (do, day) 
For the case of dependent pictures at the relative 
orientation we have the wellknown formula 
p, 7 dby, * (x-b)dx 
X íx-b) dg, - 
7 É dbz, + 5 9 - (1 + Ly) hdu, 
The y-parallaxes are eliminated at the relative orien- 
tation with the aid of the orientation elements dby, and 
duo + (See equation (3)). The corrections to these two ele- 
ments of orientation as functions of the centering errors 
are found as demonstrated in equations (5) and (6). 

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