Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

p GU AUR P eA Re a S S TONS T ; 
— s — icr A" eu ue - = Re — 
ii me a a i a 
whois ai delle 
peii EA 
| Corrections to the degrees of freedom and standard errors 
TABL: 1 
according to the adjustment of the measurements. 
dx, dy, da de u 
mm mm minutes mm mm 
-0.048 -0.008 -0.21 0.202 0.025 
0.002 0.072 4.10 0.225 0.068 
-0.017 0.000 0.40 -0.106 0.053 
-0.065 0.044 0.25 -0.096 0.048 
-0.,048 0.138 0.50 -0.188 0.079 
1, Brandenberger, A: Fehlertheorie der inneren Orientie- 
rung von Steilaufnahmen 

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