Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

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projector as 
| are measu- 
The radial distortion, the corrections of the elements of 
the outer orientation and the residuals are determined with the 
aid of formulas similar to those found in[1], 2], and [5] If 
superflous observations are present an adjustment in accordance 
with the method of least squares is performed, 
The formulas in[!J, 2], and [3] can be directly used for 
the base = o. For the investigation of the influence of base 
in and base out, special normal equations have to be set up and 
solved, since the points are not symmetrically located anymore, 
The method mentioned above has been put into practise at 
the Division of Photogrammetry in Stockholm (Royal Inst. of Tech- 
nology). Both projectors of the Autograph A 7 were tested with 
an accurate gridplate made of glass, The test was performed 
with the base - o and base in and base out, Two different va- 
lues of the base were used for base in and base out respective- 
ly, Also two different enlargements were used with the projec- 
tor constant fixed. 
The computation of the results of the investigations was 
performed in accordance with the formulas found in appendix 1. 
It is to be observed that some groups of points, so-called dan- 
gerous groups, do not allow a determination of corrections of 
the outer orientation. 
The program for the measurements and the results of the 
computations are compiled in appendix 2. A significant varia- 
tion of the values of dx,» dp and dz, at different bases appears 
from the tables and diagrams, The instrument is further afflio- 
ted with radial distortion. The distortion, which is a func- 
tion of dz, also changes from base to base, 
This investigation is based on the assumption that the 
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