Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

some Investigations about Film and Filter Questions in 
Aerial Photography | ~~: anaice 
by ¥ 
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Helmer Bheketrüm, iiL EH 
In recent years the interest for the use of aerial photo- 
graphy for foresiry purposes has been great in Sweden and a good 
deal of work has been made in this domain. At the Photographic 
Department of the Royal Institute of Technology we have especial- 
ly concentrated upon the photographic problems in this connecti- 
on and posed us the question at what time of the year the photo- 
graphing ought to take place and which kind of film and which 
filter ought to be used so that ihe aerial photographs will dif- 
ferentiate in the best possible manner between different tree 
species, In the first place we have thereby thought of being 
able to differentiate stands of trees of the same kind from each 
other. Hereby the different stands in the picture also at small 
picture scale must be reproduced with different gray-tones, and 
the condition for this is that the stands of trees have a differ- 
ent light remission. In order to obtain a starting point for the 
discussion of these questions, a series of measurements of the 
remission power for diffuse light of different wave lengths for 
leaves and needles of different Swedish tree species was begun 
in 1947. The measurements were made with Beckman s spectrophoto- 
meter and comprised the whole visible and the lower infrared 
spectral range up to about 12000 À. The result of these measure- 
ments was published by H.Bäckstrôr and E.Welander in 1948 and 
1953. In the latter paper the influence of a multitude of dif- 
ferent factors on the remission power was investigated. In the 
present paper the consequences from this will be taken into con- 
sideration when chosing film and filter for obtaining the great-

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