Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

| of the profile the y 
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are recorded on the Same mai 
the Survey photograpk, a 
/Ween the optical axis " 1 
be known and l'emain ng 
"ial marks are made on ibn 
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experimental work as du 
> isobaric surfoce 
path of Gircroft 
s is usual, but fore or aft di 
] type of terrain it is suffi 
1 to 5th vertical photog 
blique photographs. Cori 
jints, earth curvature, dis 
ction, determine the real gi 
‘periments carried out in ji 
| a mean square deviatio 1 
le and the infrared phot 
include these techniques 1" 
ight adjustment in the bri 
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ances, controls not only fer 
possibility of further adj 
vstem, the determination e 
n the origin is based $^ 
n of the strip or its trust? 
'aphs are used. 
ce auxiliary data from APR and straight line points from infrared oblique photo- 
Sive 'e to be used during the instrumental procedure of aerial triangulation, the 
out must be set accordingly. Advantage can be taken of the fact that 
sequence connection between APR and straight line points and, therefore, respective 
there is NO can be carried out independently at the same time. 
poe to the APR, the altimeter indications must be first corrected for changes 
T pressure along the flight line and the remaining closure error in flying 
of ii distributed linearly. Then, positioning camera points should be carefully located 
heigt) ex chart. In this operation there must be taken into account calibration data 
m the o the possible discrepancies between the axis of electromagnetic beam and the 
Instrumental Pr 
wferring t ssibl : 
optical axis of positioning camera. 1) 
Rs mtus photographs the radar profile is then located on paper prints of 
lle aerial photographs. Greatest care should be devoted to this operation since wrong 
ation of the profile will affect final results of bridging. According to our experience, 
ie location of profile on aerial photographs can be best done on a suitable enlarger. 
Positioning photographs are projected on prints from aerial photographs. Scale of project- 
im should be the same as the scale of paper prints. After perfect coincidence between 
pujection and the print is obtained, the principal point of the positioning camera photo- 
gaph is pricked on. paper print and its number recorded. 
The next step is the selection of profile points which will be used for scaling of models 
jing the instrumental bridging. As a rule the positioning camera points closest to the 
principal points of consecutive surveying photographs are used. However, if the con- 
fipmation or coverage of the terrain near the principal point is not very favourable from 
{he point of view of accuracy of the profile in this spot, the best possible profile point 
vithin a given overlap is selected. 
The chosen points must be transferred to the APR charts and their ground elevations 
tabulated together with the corrected flight altitude at the corresponding instant of 
aposure of the surveying photographs. Then the selected profile points together with 
sight line points are transferred and marked on glass diapositives of the vertical 
Motographs. After also marking the carry-over points on the glass diapositives 
instrumental work can be started. 
The first overlap is oriented relatively and absolutely. It is not necessary to level 
wwnately the model in x direction, since bz” is introduced according to the altimeter 
ia and will automatically take care of the longitudinal inclination of the model. After 
tdinates of ground control points and carry-over points are recorded, relative orientation 
if the second pair is made. Consecutive bz is set again according to the previously 
iermined flying heights. The program below defines operations for all following models: 
lL Scaling of the model according to the APR clearance. For this purpose the elevation 
of the selected profile point is used (instead of elevation carry-over points, as is the 
case in usual procedure). 
L Setting of x- and y-counters according to the readings on the central carry-over point 
from previous overlap. 
i. Recording of coordinates of all carry-over points, mainly as a control of procedure. 
; Recording of elevation of the elevation carry-over point. 
à Recording of coordinates of the profile point used for the scaling of model. 
i Recording of coordinates of possible straight line points and any other point which 
may be included in aerial triangulation. 
I. Recording of coordinates of the next group of carry-over points. 
1) Modis: ; ! 
) Modified APR equipment carries positioning camera rigidly connected with parabolic 
or, consequently no changes in the relative position of the elements should be expected. 

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