adds Ec ucl t
Before Measurement Measurement (L-R),- Errors in the E
t N rrors in th lott
Tes or after + No. 2 AL.-Ry *aver measurements € sortis
slotting| L4 M|M-R|L -R| ej |L- MIM9R[|L-R| ep » 2 Ae (Ae)? aver. ^ “syst Ve aver; e yst!
1 B 2.32 12.35 | 4.67 |- 15 2.32 | 2.32 | 4.64 0 +30 - 8 15 225 +22 484
2 B 33 35 68 |- 10 34 37 71 |- 15 -30 -13 5 25 +17 289
3 A 30 37 67 |- 35 29 35 54 |- 30 +30 - 32 5 25 - 2 4
4 A 28 34 62 |- 30 29 33 62 |- 20 0 - 25 10 100 +5 25
5 B 29 34 63 |- 25 29 34 63 |- 25 0 - 25 0 0 $$ 25
6 B 30 34 64 |- 20 30 33 63 |- 15 *10 -18 5 25 *12 144
7 A 28 37 65 |- 45 27 36 63 |- 45 *10 -45 0 0 - 15 225
8 B 27 35 62 |-40 30 33 63 |- 15 -10 -27 25 625 + 3 9
9 B 28 36 64 |- 40 30 36 66 |- 30 - 30 -35 10 100 - 5 25
10 A 28 38 66 |- 50 30 36 66 |- 30 - 0 -40 20 400 -10 100
1! A 27 38 65 |- 50 27 33 60 |- 30 *50 - 43 25 625 -13 169
12 B 28 34 62 |- 30 30 32 62 |- 10 0 - 20 20 400 *10 100
13 B 28 34 62 |-30 27 37 64 |-50 - 20 - 40 20 400 -10 100
14 A 28 37 65 |- 45 28 36 64 |- 40 *10 -42 5 25 - 12 144
15 A 28 33 61 |-25 27 35 61 |-40 0 -33 15 225 - 3 9
16 B 27 34 61 |-35 30 34 64 |- 20 -30 2:27 15 225 + 3 9
17 B 31 33 64 |- 10 29 33 62 |-20 *20 - 15 10 100 +15 225
18 A 26 36 $2 |- 50 26 38 64 |- 60 - 20 - 55 10 100 -25 625
19 A 26 34 60 |- 40 27 37 64 |-50 -40 -45 10 100 -15 225
20 B 29 35 64 ,- 30 28 36 64 |- 40 0 - 15 10 100 +15 225
4.64 +
Results mm 30 IN + 136
Table 17:2 Checking of the slotter
Fig. 3. The checking results for the precision slotter used in the author’s experi-
ments. The templet-material was steel-plates 0,12 mm thick. The mean square
error in the slotting was 13 u!
2:0 that the variation of inclination with the length of the radial (R
in km) follows a simple first-grade empirical formula
tgd = T (0,016 — 0,0018 R)
Furtheron the influence of the inclination of the radials can be redu-
1:0 through choicing the radial points under stereoscope
2:0 through using the nadir point when nadir distance is great;
in the nadir point these inclinations have no influence on the direc-
tion angles.
Other errors in the direction angles are caused by the use of paper
prints, without dimensional stability, by errors in point transference
and many other small sources of error, all of which have been studied
in details by the author and found to be possible to reduce or eliminate.
The use of paperprints must for example be absolutely condemned as
the differential shrinkage causes errors of the magnitude 16^ or about
the same as an inclination of 6* when the terrain is slightly broken.
Point-marking directly in the negatives is recommended and as the 9
ordinary points in every negative covers only less than 0,003 % of the
negative area this “damage” cannot be of much harm! The point trans-
ference can be made with a mean square error of + 0,02—0,03 mm
according to Dutch investigations. With suitable devices the point
transference can be done with this high accuracy rather fast. In the
next stage, the slotting, it is practical possible to reach an accuracy of
about — 0,01—0,02 mm.
Summarizing these and here unmentioned other facts it 1s proved that