^ YT Y-vr,
° À oO.
Fig. 4. When the friction is eliminated through vibrations the little play between
the studs and the slot-edges correlate and facilitate movements of the studs. The
figure shows the movements in some points. Compare the 2-mm-length.
the slotted templets can be practically made with angles with very small
errors and in order to facilitate and quicken this work new prototype-
instruments for fast and accurate point transference and templet slot-
ting have been designed and are built under the authors’ supervision
for the Swedish Army Material Command at the Royal Inst. of Tech-
nology.*) The instruments will be shown at the VIII International
Congress of Photogrammetry.
The assembly of the slotted templets is the next occasion for errors to
occure, and to a dominating extent do occur. Friction between studs and
slot-edges, between the templets and between templets and triangulation
table decreases the automatic adjustment of the templet positions which
is the main advantage of the MRT. The necessary small "play" between
studs and slotedges — the diameter of the studs must be 0,05— 0,15
mm less than the width of the slots- and the frictional forces and acci-
dental occurences when the templets are assembled, correlate and re-
sult in rather big errors with the error vectors in a whirllike pattern.
sometimes these "errors" also hinder the completion of the assembly of
the templets. Through vibrating the assembly the friction is lowered,
which facilitates the assembly. However it does not reduces the influ-
ence of the play on the final accuracy very much. This, however, is
according to the author's investigations achived through the special
measure to incline the assembly slightly, in order to get a small com-
ponent of the gravity force parallel to the triangulation surface, and
*) As there is also a need for a star-templet apparatus for triangulation in a
scale 2—3 times the photography scale such an equipment is also designed and
manufactured and will also be displayed .