The National Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program,
an Integrated System of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Components
Gary Vanderhaven
U.S.Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 22092
Clifford W. Greve
U.S.Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 22092
K. Eric Anderson
U.S.Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 22092
ISPRS Commission II Working Group 5
KEY WORDS: Integrated Production System, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, GIS
Integrated production systems have been defined as integrated systems that generate georeferenced products from
spatial information obtained through photogrammetry and remote sensing. Providing an interface to a GIS
enhances the system's range of applications by adding the GIS's capabilities for analyzing multiple layers of
registered spatial information. The U. S. Geologic Survey, starting in 1992, began a search for such a system as
part of its National Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program initiative. The search centered on a system
composed of standard commercially available products since resource constraints dictated that the system could
not be custom developed. The search was successful and shows that such systems are indeed becoming
commercially available. The capabilities that they possess are already sparking considerable interest among earth
scientists and program administrators in a wide variety of civil agencies within the U. S. Government.
“In 1992, US. Geological Survey (USGS) began
defining a new capability to be known as the National
Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program
(NARSAP). It would be designed to provide a facility,
the systems, and the trained personnel to permit
scientists and administrators within the civil agencies
of the U. S. Government to use data derived from
advanced remote sensors in environmental, resource,
and safety areas. The system would combine the
capabilities traditionally found separately in the areas
of photogrammetry, image processing, and geographic
information systems (GIS). In developing the
NARSAP concept and in determining the hardware
and software systems that would implement it, the
USGS defined what has come to be called an
integrated production system. It is a system that
generates georeferenced products from spatial
information obtained through photogrammetry and
remote sensing. Providing an interface to a GIS
enhances the system’s range of applications by adding
the GIS’s capabilities for analyzing multiple layers of
*Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for
descriptive purposes only and does not imply
endorsement by the U.S. Government.
registered spatial information. Spatial and attribute
data should be storable in data bases that are an
integral part of the GIS. The NARSAP system
incorporates traditional photogrammetric operations
with image processing capabilities and a GIS in a
digital environment. The system is fully capable of
producing a wide variety of georeferenced products
using the whole range of airborne and orbital imaging
sensors. Its design is open ended and will allow the
incorporation of new sensor models and capabilities in
the future. The system to accomplish all of the above
is completely off the shelf.
Approaches to the interactive use of remote sensing
systems with GIS’s differ significantly between the
traditional mapping community and the environmental
and land management communities. The mapping
community has typically employed rigorous
photogrammetric methods using metric photography
obtained by calibrated camera systems to generate the
equivalent of a map, whether in hard or soft copy.
That information is then introduced into the GIS for
further analysis. Commercially available systems have
usually consisted of an interactive data capture
capability for use with analog and analytical
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