International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
of general classes, the class hierarchy was extended to parent
and children classes. First, all objects were classified to parent
based on their existence in supper object classes. Then in
corrector classes they were belonged to their correct classes. In
the lowest level, those objects, which were reclassified to their
correct classes, were belonged to main types by logical" or"
term. In order to extract special types from main types, those
were subdivided into special type's classes and were classified
by suitable descriptions. In addition to spectral information, the
aspect and elevation attributes were used to separate pure Fagus
from mixed Fagus.
subdivided into their special types and were classified to each
class by aspect and elevation as well as spectral attributes.
Coarse segmentation of
channels by scale
parameter and suitable
homogeneity criterion on
ETM+ data and creating
Middle segmentation of
channels by scale
parameter and suite
homogeneity criterion on
ETM+ data and creating
Fine segmentation of
channels by scale
parameter and
homogeneity criterion
on ETM+ data and
class heirarchy class heirarchy creating class heirarchy
at l- AL
Classification of Rectification of Creating general classes
general classes of — || Ur d — through belonging of
fa Class- | fagus,carpinus and || Class
gus, carpinus, related shadow with related correct classes to each
replantation, mixed Kay? :
p hy nix ; featur | corrector dasses and | feature class by “or”, Extraction
road and shadow with rJ reclassification with ] ofpurefagus pure
suitable expr essions for : : carpinus and mixed
each lass suit expressions
Fine segmentation to Coarse Medium Fine segmentation
extract the road, segmentation on segmentation to on channels
shadow and others the channels and rectification of — t
by creating class es generaltypes
Membership function hierarchy for Reconstruction of
And classification gemeraltvmes —— general types by
c- re b : Mun
gicalterm “or
EU Nearest Diiding of general = Cr
Chssificatio n- neighbour types to corrector Chssificati
based classification on chsses and S On ot
segmenta on and generaltypes and chssification b y Sechl types by
chssification useofrehtional | | suitable description | | P. 73b aspectand
elevation attrib utes
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s zy HM ; id :
Figure 4: Flowchart of hierarchical forest types classification by
membership function method on ETM+ bands and their results
in each level
4.2.3 Integration of Nearest Neighbour and
Membership Function
The last experiences were delineated that each of the nearest
neighbour or membership function methods has advantages and
disadvantages. In the nearest neighbour method, the spectral
attributes can be only participated to classification. In the
membership function method to get the best result, user should
be find the best description for each class as well as should use
more descriptions to classify all objects in different levels. In
order to overcome these disadvantages, integration of both
methods is offered for classification. Four multiresolution
segmentations have been done for hierarchical classification of
types (figure 5).
First, the roads and shadows were extracted by suitable
descriptions on a fine segmentation and the segmentation based
on classification was used to merge objects of each class. In
next step, high-resolution segmentation (level 3) was only done
on the “others “merged section of image. They were classified
by training samples on main classes (Fagus, Carpinus, mixed
and replantation) in the nearest neighbour method. The fine
objects, which belonged to road and shadows classes were
classified by membership function. In the next level (level 2),
these main classes were subdivided into corrector classes and
objects in each class were belonged to their correct classes.
Also, the shadow objects were reclassified to class of their
neighbour, which had more relation border. The all corrected
classes were belonged to their correct classes by use of logical
“or” term in the lowest level. Also the main forest types were
Figure 5: Flowchart of hierarchical forest types classification by
integration nearest Neighbour & Membership function and
results in each level.
4.3 Accuracy assessment
The results of the pixel-based and the object-oriented
classification of the ETM+ images were compared, using a
sample ground truth map that has already been generated in
other project. The accuracy assessment of results was done in
PCI programme. A confusion matrix was built to obtain all
accuracy indices (see table 3) for assessing of quality of whole
classification and each class.
User Producer In class
Forest type
accuracy accuracy accuracy
Pure Fagus 0.2647 0.2920 0.1922
Mixed Fagus 0.6939 0.6341 0.9821
Pure Carpinus 0.2059 0.4200 0.1909
Mixed Carpinus 0.6162 0.7085 0.9669
Mixed Alnus 1.0000 0.7200 0.5714
dide 5 0.6550 0.4986 0.6525
Replantation 0.8873 0.4300 0.6885
Overall accuracy: 60.65 Kappa accuracy: 44.40
Table 3: An accuracy assessment table obtained by confusion
matrix for result of integration of both methods
The results of accuracy assessment showed that the object-
oriented techniques could classify forest types better than the
pixel based classification method. The kappa index was about
20 % more in the object based method (see tables 4, 5 and
figure 6).
As expected, the results of pixel-based classification had less
accuracy in comparison with the object oriented classification
(overall accuracy was 43.7%). In the pixel-based classification
due to incorporating of only pixels spectral attributes in
classification of images, the results looks like salt-peppery
picture (see figure 6A). In other hand, in the homogenous area
as forest type some pixels had different reflectance with their
niehbour pixels so that they classified to other classes.
However, in the results of the object-oriented classification,
those are assumed as a homogenous area and an object.