Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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The authors therefore propose: 
- as mentioned in introduction to this paper, to limit the scope of an 
eventual WG VI-10 in setting-up International Standards for Education 
and Training programmes in Photogrammetry. 
- as mentioned earlier in this paper, to limit the investigation of 
Education and Training programmes to two main levels, namely: Operator 
and Professional, with the necessary differentiations at the latter 
Policy, procedure and activities of WG VI-10 
To avoid their rejection by professionals, Standards should not be imposed 
on them by a small group of experts, members of a possible WG VI-10. 
Instead, a discussion with potential users of the Standards (educational 
institutes and production organisations) should take place after each 
important phase of setting-up the Standards. 
Considering the overlap with other techniques of surveying and mapping 
and considering the desirability that Standards be developed for all 
education programmes in the field of surveying and mapping at a later 
stage, close contacts and, if possible cooperation is needed (at least 
for "edge" topics) with Societies such as FIG and ICA. 
Requirements necessary to reach the Standards will alter with changing 
needs and advancing technology. This implies that Standards themselves 
will also have to be reviewed regularly. The task of an eventual WG VI-10 
will then be not only to set-up Standards but to keep them up-to-date 
to be really useful. 
To be able to prepare realistic and usable Standards, information is needed 
on a world-wide basis, from education experts (those who have to guide 
students to reach the Standards) and from production experts (those who 
will employ the students who have reached the Standards) and from a point 
of view of Technology as well as from a point of view of Applications. 
Therefore the composition of a possible WG VI-10 should reflect these 
needs. e. 
Finally, the authors propose the following structure of the activities 
of a possible WG VI-10: 
Firstly a world-wide inventory on needs and desirability of setting-up 
Standards and on existing levels and curricula should take place by 
using existing data and/or gaining data by means of a well organised 
Then a definition of different levels for Photogrammetrists can take 
place, immediately followed by a definition of aims and objectives of 
education programmes at each level. 
When agreement has been reached upon levels, aims and objectives of 
educational programmes a definition of necessary curricula and students 
performance objectives will have to be prepared. 
Finally, definition of rules for International recognition, creation of 
a recognition bureau and implementation of such recognition will have to 
take place. : 
Visser, Paresi 8 

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