Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

make optical observations and a data collecting system 
to gather data. They are unique systems due to use of 
on board sensors which combine features that are 
specially designed to resolve the broad range of space 
and time scales involved in the monitoring and 
preservation of ecosystem. 
The CBERS satellites will enhance and 
complement the existing remote sensing systems in an 
effort to improve our knowledge about the Earth 
environment and resources. À unique characteristic of 
CBERS is its multi-sensor payload with different 
spatial resolutions and data collecting frequencies. 
The Wide Field Imager - WFI has a ground 
swath of 890 km which provides a synoptic view with 
spatial resolution of 260m. The Earth surface is 
completely covered in about 5 days in two spectral 
bands: 0,66 mm (green) and 0,83 mm(near infra-red). 
The high resolution CCD camera provides 
images of a 113 km wide strip with 20m spatial 
resolution. Since this camera has a sideways pointing 
capability of + 32 degrees it is capable of taking 
stereoscopic images of a certain region.In addition, 
any phenomenon by the WFI may be "zoomed"by the 
oblique view of the CCD camera with a maximum 
time lag of 3 days. 
The CCD camera operates in 5 spectral 
bands: 0,51 - 0,73,4um (pan) 
045 - 0,524m 
0,52 - 0,594m 
0,63 - 0,69um 
0,77 - 0,89um 
The two spectral bands of the WFI  ((0,63 - 
0,69 m and 0,77 - 0,89 4m) are also present in the 
CCD camera to allow complementing the data of two 
types of remote sensing images. A complete cycle of 
the CCD camera takes 26 days.The spatial resolution 
is 20m. 
The Infrared Multispectral Scanner( IR- 
MSS )operates in 4 spectral bands: 0,50 - 1,10 
1,55 - 1,75 4m 
2,08 - 2,35 um 
10,40 -12,50 
such as to extend the CBERS spectral coverage up to 
the thermal infrared range. It images a 120km swath 
with a resolution of 80 m (160 m in the thermal 
channel). In 26 days one obtains a complete Earth 
coverage that can be correlated with the images of : 
CCD camera. 
The CBERS includes a data collection 
system for real-time retransmission of environmental 
data gathered on the ground and transmitted to the 
satellite by small autonomous stations. The data from 
thousands of these stations located anywhere on Earth 
are directed at the same time to processing centers and 
to -users by means of transmissions in different 
The CBERS satellite is composed of two 
modules. The payload module houses the optical and 
electronic systems used for Earth observation and for 
data collecting. The service module incorporates the 
equipment that ensures the power supply, the control, 
the telcomunications and all other functions needed 
for the satellite operation. 
The 1100 W of electrical power needed to 
operate the on-board equipment are obtained through 
solar panels that are deployed when the satellite is in 
orbit and that are continuously oriented towards the 
sun by automatic control. To provide the stringent 
pointing accuracy needed by the sensor systems that 
will take high resolution images from a distance of 
about 800 km, the satellite is equipped with a sensitive 
attitude control system that is complemented by a set 
of hydrazine thrusters which are also used in eventual 
satellite orbit correction maneuvers. The internal data 
used to monitor the satellite health are collected and 
processed by a distributed computer system before 
being transmitted to the Earth. An active and passive 
thermal control system provides the appropriate 
environment for operation of the'sophisticated on-boar 
CBERS has a sun-synchronous orbit at an 
altitude of 778 km, completing about 14 revolutions 
per day. The local solar time at the crossing of the 
Equator is always at 10:30 A.M. thus providing the 
same sola illumination conditions for comparing 
images taken in different days. 
It takes 26 days for the satellite to revisit the 
same Earth location. This is the time necessary to 
image the entire Earth with the CCD and the IRMSS 
cameras that have narrow fields of view. On the other 
hand, using the WFI camera which is able to take 
images that are 900 km wide, the time required for 
global coverage is 5 days. 
The sideways pointing capability of the high 
resolution CCD camera combined with the type of 
satellite orbit provides stereoscopic vision capability 
for given region with an interval of 3 days between the 
two elementary images. 
The CBERS satellites will be launched by 
Chinese rockets of the Long March series from the 
Shanxi Launch Site in China.The image receiving 
stations and the processing centers in Brazil and in 
China provide the main network for image reception. 
Stations in other countries may be established to 
extend the CBERS coverage potential. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998

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